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Title: J B Fleming, Ohio Volunteer Infantry: re death of James Robb.
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileFleming, J.B/22
SenderFleming, J.B.
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationarmy officer
Sender Religionunknown
OriginPerryville, Kentucky, USA
RecipientMr. Robb
Recipient Gendermale
Relationshipnot acquainted
SourceT 1454/5/4: Copied by Permission of Dr. J. C. Robb Esq., M.B.E., M.D., M.C.H., Cambourne Park, Belfast. #TYPE EMG Letter From J.B. Fleming, 10th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer, Infantry, Oct 12 1862, Announcing That James Robb (1834 - 1862), Son of Alexander Ro
ArchivePublic Record Office, Northern Ireland.
Doc. No.9006031
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
Log12:06:1990 GMcE#CREATE created 13:11:1991 PKS inpu
Word Count429
TranscriptOct 12th 1862
Battlefield Before
Perryville Ky. [Kentucky?]
Mr. Robb,
I have a painful duty to Perform, one which I discharge
at the earliest opportunity. It is a duty I owe a friend, and a duty I
owe you as a relative of that friend.
It is for me to make the melancholy announcement that
James Robb, your nephew, was killed in the early part of the battle near
Perryville, Boyle county Ky. [Kentucky?] October 8th - He has been, as
you are no doubt aware, secetary [secretary?] at Brigade Headquarters,
several months & was with a part of the staff & escort at the time. He
was killed almost instantly, by a "solid shot", fired at one of the
batteries, behind which the 10th O.V.I. [Ohio Volunteer Infantry?] was
posted, for supporting purposes -
He made arrangements with me long since, to write to you
in case anything happened him; and I am now discharging the sacred obligation, under very embarrassing circumstances. -
The thunder of artillery is very near and not knowing at
what moment I may be called, I hasten to write you lest I may not have another oppertunity. [opportunity?] -
I may be permitted to say that your nephew & myself have
been companions, nearly 18 months, & had become devoted friends & I assure
you, you can scarcely regret his untimely fall more than I we had faced danger together before, and our Friendship was cemented by constantly sharing the perils of war.
I do not know precisely how his financial affairs stand.
But will spare no pains to ascertain & will inform you at once. Either the
chaplain or the surgeon of the 3rd O.V.I. [Ohio Volunteer Infantry?] owes him $50,00. The Government owes him 4 & 1/2 months pay, or $58.50. There is also something due him from the Brigade [Quartermaster?], for duty at Brigade Headquarters. $20. is all he owed, that I am aware of. In order to collect what is due him, you will transmit the deposition of 2 Responsible parties, attested to before a civil magistrate together with a "power of attourney" [attorney?] to some person here (I would suggest Capt [Captain?] James M. Fitzgerald) who, by virtue of such documents can collect the funds due Mr. Robb & [remit?] the same to you. The Deposition I referred to are for the purpose of proving you to be the Relative of Mr. Robb.
I hope you will write at once, as I would know whether you receive this.
I will have learned how his money matters stand when you
reply to this & will report to you.
I am your obedient
Humble Servant
J. B. Fleming.
Company E 10th Reg[imen?]t O.V.I. [Ohio Volunteer Infantry?]
Perryville Ky [Kentucky?]
or Eleswhere
Letter from Perryville Kentucky
battlefield (American Civil War)
announcing that James Robb
(1834 - 8/10/62) had been killed
He was the son of Alexander
Robb (1800-1887)