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Title: Annie Gass, Attica, Indiana to Miss Mary Gass, Co Armagh.
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileGass, Annie/1
SenderGass, Annie
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginAttica, Indiana, USA
DestinationCo. Armagh, N.Ireland
RecipientGass, Mary
Recipient Genderfemale
SourceT 1396/7: Copied by Permission of S.Gass Esq., 26 Howard St., Belfast. #TYPEEMG Annie Gass, Attica, Indiana, U.S.A. to Miss Mary Gass (Markethill, Co Armagh), 8 January 1872.
ArchivePublic Record Office, N. Ireland
Doc. No.8905245
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
Log28:06:1989 LT created 23:11:1990 GC input 30:11:19
Word Count534
TranscriptAttica Ind [Indiana?] U.S.A.
Jan 8th 1872
Miss Mary Gass

Dear Friend
I received
your note yesterday and was
mutsh [much?] joyed to hear from you I
am in good health at preasent [present?]
hopen [hoping?] this note will find you
enjoyen [enjoying?] the Same I am at uncle
Johns of attica at preasent [present?] it
is a very nice place to live in it
seams [seems?] to bee [be?] the nicest place that
I c[?] sean every thing for[?] nice
this house contains 11 rooms all Carpeted
with ritsh [rich?] Carpet all mehogny [mahogany?]
furniture also silver dishes nives [knives?] and forks
and every thing in preportion [proportion?]
you Could have no idea of how things
[L]oo[k?]s there is no fire places hear [here?] the [they?]
are all stoves in chitchen [kitchen?] and parlor [parlour?]
the people are very clean in their habets [habits?]
the [they?] are all well bread [bred?] and very fine
dress it woould [would?] do you good to sea [see?] the
Children - the [they?] are so nice in their
manner my Respects to Hugh I feel
sory [sorry?] for him on the account of Mrs
McRory [marend?] so far away
if he was hear [here?] he woudent [wouldn't?]
sea [see?] a lady but wore curls I think he
coud [could?] a count [account?] for the loss usee [you see?]
hare [here?] very nice [?]isetars [visitors?] both gentle
men and ladys Call to sea [see?] uncel [uncle?]
and aunt very often the a[?]
is jist [just?] up to sea [see?] the nise [nice?] pistures [pictures?]
the [they?] often ware [were?] asket [asked?] what a lady that
was uncle woud [would?] ancer [answer?] my brother
daughter miss gass the [they?] think its
very prity [pretty?] I got some nise [nice?] preaseants [presents?]
at Crismas [Christams?] aunt Ratchel [Rachel?] made me
a preasent [present?] of Red gloves and a handkerchief
of silke [silk?] [lace?] to be attached to a fan
and a beutiful [beautiful?] albem [album?] and
a few nise [nice?] pistures [pictures?] in it [?]haras made
me a present also [harah?] the [linen?]
is quiet [quite?] diferent [different?] here than its in Ireland
and there is more of a veriety there are
a great many dishes you woould [would?]
not know the mening [meaning?] of I find
the peopel [people?] here to bee [be?] uncomen [uncommon?]
kindly moreso than in Ireland
I wish I had a came here ten year
ago - womens work in Comparison
to what it is withe [with?] you if you
Ever com [come?] to this cuntry [country?] on a
visit you never will be satisfied
to live in Ireland afterwards shick [chic?]
larg [large?] luscious apples and fruit
of all kinds ther [there?] no beggers [beggars?] here
Every person Can have plenty
that is willen [willing?] to work Children
are alowed [allowed?] to sit up to the table
with there [their?] parents no mater [matter?]
how small at meals the [they?] are
taught how to use the knife and
fork there hands and fase [face?] must
bee [be?] washed Clean and hair nicely
comed [combed?] their behaveaur [behaviour?] is very
good tell my sister Jane not
bee [be?] uneasy about mee [me?] give my
love to all of them
I remain as ever annie