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Title: John F. Ballantyne, Connecticut, to James A Smyth, Ontario
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileBallantyne, John F/7
SenderBallantyne, John F.
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationformer clergyman, currently businessman
Sender Religionunknown
OriginAnsonia, Connecticut, USA
DestinationEssex, Ontario, Canada
RecipientSmyth, James Alexander
Recipient Gendermale
SourceCopyright Retained by Mr & Mrs J Smyth, Castledamph, Plumbridge, Co Tyrone, Castledamph@btinternet.com
ArchiveMr & Mrs J Smyth, Castledamph, Plumbridge.
Doc. No.410014
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
LogDocument added by LT, 26:10:2004.
Word Count474
Transcript[Front of envelope]

Mr James A Smyth.
Essex County,

JA 18

TR 53

[Written on bottom left]
Will the PM kindly forward?

[Written on top left]
54 Elm Street,

[Back of envelope]

JA 18

[Page 1]

Ansonia, Conn [Connecticut?]

Jan 10 1900

Dear Cousin James,
As my cousin you are naturally
"dear" tho' [though?] all my knowledge
of you is gleaned from your
letters to my sister Elizabeth
and Mothers [Mother's?] letters from her
cousins, James also, Margaret
and James McFarland. Elizabeth
received your letter some
time ago but has been very
[unwell?] for a long time. She
has therefore asked me to
reply for her which I do with
much pleasure. We have so
few relatives that it is quite a
treat to discover another one.
You are teaching this Winter
I believe What is the nature
of your examination
for position of teacher in Canada.
In the States, the examination

[Page 2]
is rather stiff. I thought of
applying for position of teacher
in High Schools [in?] New York
City last Fall. I found the requirement
so severe that it would necessitate a
years review and cramming before I would
venture to face the Board of Examiners.
Here in Conn. [Connecticut?] my
degree of Bachelor of Arts is sufficient
for position in High Schools -
Tell me what you are studying for, Medicine
or law or the Church. I have given up my
clerical work and gone into business life. I had a
[term?] [sic] sickness a year ago and suffer from a
weak throat so have decided to rest from clerical
life and public speaking for [sic] couple of years. I
rather think permanently.
The household keep [sic] quite well. My parents being
elderly people, naturally begin to show the effect
of their years and are quite feeble. Elizabeth is
not very well but that is to be expected as a natural
result of married life. I am left alone now
at home, all my brothers and sisters married
Nine of them, so I am left to be the old grey
haired bachelor Uncle of thirty seven years of age
I should be very pleased to hear from you. You better
write me at Ansonia rather than my New
York address as I am absent from my office for days
at a time. I am a broker dealing in stocks and bonds,
and investment securities My clients being foreign banks,
lawyers, professional men generally. I hope to make a good
thing of it in time, when once thoroughly established.
Are you fond of a business life? Have you

[Page 3]

Have you [sic] had any experience
When you write me will
you kindly give me a a (sic)
kind of autobiography of
yrself [yourself?]. Where born,
studied age etc. I have been away
from home so much since
1883 that I am unfamiliar
with letters that may have
passed between you and the
folks at 54 Elm St.
I shall be always pleased
to hear from you.
With best wishes for a happy
and prosperous New Year
I am with kind regards

Your Cousin

John F. Ballantyne