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Title: [James?] Banks Reford, New Jersey to Aunt [Reford, Antrim?].
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileBanks Reford, James/40
SenderBanks Reford, James
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationmerchant
Sender Religionunknown
OriginBloomfield, New Jersey, USA
DestinationCo. Antrim, N. Ireland
RecipientReford, Matilda
Recipient Genderfemale
SourceT 3028/B/21: Permission to copy from W. Reford Esq., 81 Islandmagee Road, Whitehead, Co. Antrim.
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, Northern Ireland.
Doc. No.9405137
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
LogDocument added by LT, 03:05:1994.
Word Count278
TranscriptFrom: J. [James?] Banks Reford.

To: His Aunt, [Anne or Matilda Reford?],
[Antrim, County Antrim?],

184 Midland Avenue,
Bloomfield, N.J. [New Jersey?], [U.S.A.?]

July 16 1899

Dear Aunt,

I recd [received?] your letter
of May 17 in due time and
should have answered it
before. Since my sickness
of January last I have
been very weak and have
but little ambition and

our weather since early in
May has been hot and
dry. Gardens are a failure
as regards seeds planted
they failed to germinate
and those that did have
made but little growth owing
to the drought. We are now
getting fine showers, and
late planting will be a
success. I was pleased to
hear from you again but
sorry that your old [------?]
Rheumatism was bothering
you, you speak of being
lonesome I wish it were
so that I could drop in
and cheer you. No word from
Belfast, Sorry to hear of
their afflictions. I can't place
the Samuel Drummond you
mention. Mrs Patterson's child
I recall a young miss when
I called there of about 8 to
10 years. Is this the one who
Regarding Josie he shows no
ill effect of his accident,
and is doing finely. The works
he is with have the contract
of supplying the Elevators
for the new London underground
railway. They regard
him highly at the office
his left jaw is curved in
where the pressure was
when suspended in the
air shaft. It gives him no
trouble. No word from Mr
Whylie [Wylie?] since I last wrote.
[Eunice?] (my wife) is not as well
as we would wish. The rest
are all well, and at work.
Hoping you will have improved
in health when this reaches you
and love from all. I remain

Your affe [affectionate?] Nephew
[Jas?] [James?] Banks [Reford?]