Title: | Tom Hay, Canada, to Mother, Anna Hay, Peterborough, Canada. |
ID | 1380 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Hay, Tom/19 |
Year | 1879 |
Sender | Hay, Tom |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | manual worker |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | Riding Mountain House, Canada |
Destination | Peterborough, Ontario, Canada |
Recipient | Hay, Anna |
Recipient Gender | female |
Relationship | son-mother |
Source | D1424/11/4B: Purchased From Mr. John A. Gamble, 44 Taunton Avenue, Belfast 15. #TYPE EMG Letter From Tom Hay at Riding Mountain House, [Location?], Canada, to His Mother [Anna Hay?], [Peterborough?], [Ontario?] [Canada?], 24 July 1879. |
Archive | Public Record Office N. Ireland. |
Doc. No. | 9004004 |
Date | 24/07/1879 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | 11:05:1990 SS created 14:08:1990 CD input 22:08:19 |
Word Count | 5061 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | From Tom's letter Riding Mountain House Thursday July 24th 1879 we left the Little Saskatchewan on Monday morning & had to coast along the river shore, for some distance & came to a place where there was supposed to lie a ferry, but such a ferry it was! A few peices [pieces?] of timber tied together & three or four peices [pieces?] of plank laid across them, it took us the whole fore noon [forenoon?] to get across, for these were not our carts & buggies, but four carts heavily loaded with our supplies of pork flour, tea leaves & several other carts & waggons all of which were at the ferry before us, so we had to wait our turn, but in order to hasten our passage, we all helped it was pretty hard work, we got over about noon & travelled till about 2 pm & then stopped & had dinner. All tuesday & wednesday till evening we travelled on along the most dreadful roads it is possible to imagine, several times getting off the track, but at long last, we arrived here safely but wet to the skin & our luggage the same- The riding Mountain House is situated on a most beautiful site overlooking the broad valley of the Little Saskachewan which we are once more camped beside This is really the most beautiful valley I ever saw - the banks are very high & the side opposite is thickly grown with trees, the valley below is about a 1/4 of a mile wide & perfectly flat, through this the river winds like a snake, making some tremendous loops & bends, sometimes running parallel with itself for nearly 1 mile & then doubling back - In the 2 miles of the valley in view from our camp, the river must run 5 miles there are so many turns We are still 24 miles from our work and we cannot find out which is the best way to go - there is a road running part of the way & we have to make a boat or a raft for the rest of the way - uncle George has been out all day interviewing the Indians to try & find out the most expeditious way of getting along - There is a large camp of Sioux Indians just below us on a bend in the river they are genuine wild Indians & cannot speak a word of English we are camping on a very high hill overlooking the valley & we catch all the wind that is going At present there is a tremendous storm going on & our tents are flapping about at a great rate - Still it is more comfortable to be under them, than out on the wide prairie which we have had several days of coming this far while [?]ing & having to walk knee deep in prairie mud is no fun I can assure you - I do wish that we could get a few hours sunshine to dry our clothes & blankets the latter have been wet for 3 days & we have just to lie down in them at night with all the misery we have gone through I must say we are all well & in tolerable good spirits, but we were rather disappointed when we found that our post Office is 40 miles from here, & that we could not get any letter till sent for them Mr Andy the Hudsons Bay Company's Agent here is a very nice young fellow, he comes from Montreal & is French - When uncle G [George?] arrived here yesterday - Mr A [Andy?] took him to his house for tea, while conversing uncle G [George?] found out that Mrs Andy was cousin to his (uncle G's [George's?] first wife) & therefore related to Walter & Louis - we were frightfully hungry when we arrived here yesterday & we had no bread baked so Walter (who is our cook now) had to make some fried cakes - which we devoured as fast as he could make them we travelled about 10 miles before breakfast, but the roads were so very bad from the constant rain that it took us from seven till eleven to go that far & then we had breakfast & a short rest, then we started off again & arrived here at 6 o'clock & had dinner & tea together tho' [although?] we had to wait until our cakes were fried - then we went to bed so had only 2 meals yesterday & walked in all about 20 miles. We did not drink any of the water on the prairie till it has been strained through a cloth boiled and made into tea - because it is thick of all sorts of horrible things but it makes first rate tea The mosquitos are dreadfully teasing they follow us in clouds except when the sun is shining bright - then they go to the deep grass & sometimes a very strong wind will keep them off - But the Bulldog flies are more respectable - ther [their?] "office hours" are from 9 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon - while the mosquitoes are out at all hours - except as I said when the sun shines very brightly - there are some tremendous black snakes in the river but they are harmless - I hope we shall sometimes have a chance of sending & getting letters from the post office but it will be a great undertaking we shall have to do it some way or other August 3d I hope you are all well at home it seems like a year since I left home on the 30th of June just 5 weeks ago tomorrow we have not had one letter yet nor paper Our nearest P.O. is Shoal Lake 40 miles off Mr Andy sends down there whenever the mail arrives & very kindly said that he would bring up our letters to the riding Mountain House for us - I never felt so home sick [homesick?] in my life as I have done this week - but we have the satisfaction that every day brings us nearer to the cold weather & also to Home - It is almost maddening to work in the woods with the flies & in the marshes the mosquitoes & Bulldogs and the woods are full of wasps nests & every few minutes some one gets stung by them - the whole country seems made up of woods & marshes with here & there a small prairie or lake - I would not like to back out if I could but I do wish we were home again or that the cold weather had commenced we cannot sleep at night with those terrible mosquitoes & flies & have to walk all next day - But in spite of all these troubles we are all well so far I am very thankful to say Our great trouble being the flies - I am now writing with one hand and & banging the flies off with the other - when they settle on the grass it has the look all round as if covered with crape [crepe?] - from the dense clouds of them - unless I change my mind very much nothing will ever make me live in this part of the country - It is much better nearer to Winnipeg. But here is only fit for a Hermit wishing to do pennance [penance?] and shut himself from the world Andy Lake August 10 79 [1879?] You cannot think how delighted I was to get your welcome letter on Thursday last & to find that you are all well I was the happy recipient of 11 letters the first I have had since leaving home and each of the party got at least one - I was the only one who got a paper out of all that had been sent to each of us - but the mails all caried [carried?] so promiscuously in this country that it is a wonder we get out letters right - tho' [although?] some may have gone astray I read the whole of my letters by the light of the fire as it was dark when we got home from our work - I could not eat my tea untill [until?] I had read them to know how you all were at Home - I have seen enough of this country to cause me to take a great hatred of it. I cannot tell you of all the annoyances we have just had but when we return home - we shall give full particulars - Joss should feel most thankful that he did not come We have one comfort to look forward to & that is the cold weather coming on which will destroy these dreadful flies & mosquitoes & freeze up the marshes & in every way make life more pleasant here - we have often to wade up to our waists in these marshes or (sloughs as they are called here) & at night when we return to camp wet & muddy & take off our wet things - at the waists are[?] with horrid things - such as small toads - tadpoles, worms & I dont know what disgusting creatures - & this is every day work you will see about the Indians troubles brewing at Battleford, but dont feel too anxious dear Mother - for is not much danger here - There are very few Indians here & what are been are quiet & seem to have all they want to eat There is a pretty bird here about the size of our [Robin?] & an old blackbird they are very tame & come into our tents & feed on our tormentors the flies - There is one now sitting on uncle Gs [George's?] cap as he sleeps pecking the flies off him, it hops about from one to another & sitting on my knee now looking up into my face as impudently as can be - The mosquitoes always bite more wickedly after a cold night - it seems to sharpen their appetites - Last night we had a tremendous thunder storm which drove the wretches in thousands into the tents - for they will find an opening in any thing & the wind always moves the canvas about & leaves openings near the grass which the brutes soon find out Well last night we could not sleep with them even when we were nearly smothered by rolling our blankets tight round us - still they got at us - so we had weary as we were to get up & build a fire that is called here a smudge in each tent & smoke them out at the same time we beat the canvas on the outside all over with sticks then when we get them pretty well out we fasten down the tents & leave the smoke going to & then remove it & let the smoke subside before going back to bed - but long before day light in comes the merry little fellows thousands as loud as ever through every little hole they can find & no more sleep for us poor weary mortals & in self defence we have to go out & light smoke fires all round the tents, which is the only thing that has any effect on them they are so bad that when we come home at night our hands & faces are all swollen up from their bites & stings we are getting a little more accustomed to them now - But they will always be a great draw back to the settling of this part of the country untill [until?] it is cleared up & well drained - I never saw such thunder storms as we still have nearly every day or night - such lightning I never saw & thunder is so heavy & loud so far we are all safe thank God & have not suffered from them except in blowing our tents to ribbons But as I have said before I would not have missed this trip for a great deal & it is good to have to undergo hardships sometimes it makes us enjoy our blessings more we are getting more hardened to them now - But it was truly hard at first considering the constant wet weather we had & the wet state we were in night & day & have been wonderfull [wonderful?] well all through - wading in marshes all day & some times under heavy rain & sleeping in wet blankets all night - If some of our lady friends were to take a peep at our wardrobes they would be amused at the new modes & fashions they would see & would discover a great want of taste in the mending departments as in our patchwork we cannot be very particular as to shades & colours - But fortunately for us no one but ourselves sees us & a few wandering Indians Boots & shoes are the most difficult to manage with & the water of the marshes is so full of alkali which rots the leathers so much In less than two months since leaving home I have worn out three pair of good strong boots besides two pairs of moccasins which becomes pretty expensive work - there are a great many Indians going about all the time in paint & feathers - they are a strange set of people and show us great friendliness & always [always?] show gratitude for anything we give them although they cannot speak one word of English but gabble away & laugh & grin when the [they?] come to see us so far we have found them very honest & quiet - I have heard that they make stealing a most serious crime & a thief amongst them is generally shot Our present camp is beside Andy Lake, & on a large prairie close to a running creek in which we sometimes catch some very fine fish called Lake Salmon they weigh from six to ten lbs each & we cannot throw in the line quick enough to please them - we take it in turns to get up early & catch enough for the whole day and they are a good relish after so long living on salt pork We take our lunchien [luncheon?] with us to work & it is nearly dark when we arrive at home we have not one moment to ourselves except Sundays and even then we have many things to do But we can generally on that day keep ourselves dry & that is what we never are on a week day I am very glad that you get Charlie Brown to help in the garden for it was too much for you it was very kind of him too - Sunday we are obliged to wash our clothes & often to mend them - as it is late on saturday evenings when we get home & too dark to see to wash off the mud we have all been down to the lake this morning (Sunday) & gave ourselves a good wash too - the mud is so stickie [sticky?] like tar in that way - I fear we shall not reach home untill [until?] Feby [February?] unless we get on more quickly than we have done uncle George thought he could have in men to help us at the Postage La Prairia but they backed out after promising to come - & so we have no more than our party we left home with Even our cook whom we got at the Postage deserted us after we had been out two days on the road & since then Walter Stewart has been cook up to the other day when his cousin G. Whitehead is having a time at it - but we now loose [lose?] a hand at the work - Bobby Brown is going down to the Riding Mountain House early tomorrow for provisions & I must send this with him, It is a ride of 25 miles & he will have to walk back, because the horse will have to carry the load I do wish we were home again for we have a long wearisome time before us & we have not seen the worst yet Big Prairie below Andy Lake Sunday Augt [August?] 24 1879 I shall have this letter ready for the first chance of sending down to the Riding Mountain House I hope someone will have to go this week - as we are expecting letters as the mail was to come up from Shoal Lake on wednesday last we are camped on a beautiful land on the Little Saskatchewan on the edge of a large prairie about 25 miles north of the R.M. [Riding Mountain?] House so that you can imagine it is no joke to send down for anything unless we cannot do without it one of the boys have to go down about every 10 days on horse back, but have to walk back as the horse has to carry two bags of flour & some pork & other things every trip - I hope we shall get letters & that I shall hear that you are all well at home, It seems such an awfully long time since I heard anything about you dear Mother for your letters which I got three weeks ago were written so long back - none of us have received any news papers yet except the one I had some weeks ago It would be no wonder if they were stolen for the mails are carried by any body who happens to be passing the P.O. & the bags were left unfastened so that they can more easily deliver the letters as they go across the country to the settlers we have frost every night now - but it is warmer in the day than it was for a time last month & the flies & mosquitoes are not so troublesome as they were - but they bite more savagely than they did - we were greatly [teased?] by something getting into our kitchen tent every night & eating our provisions & could not see what it was so we set traps for it, but still could never catch it - several times we heard it rattling amongst our tin dishes & pans Edward got out with his gun one night & he saw something running away & fired at it - but it got off leaving a large piece of pork on the ground & a pool of blood so that we knew it had been hit - still the theiving [thieving?] went on tho' [although?] not every night, but once in 3 or 4 nights - so one night lately when Rolly was coming home from the R.M. [Riding Mountain?] House with a load of flour on horse back, he was walking after the horse, when all of a sudden the horse stopped & cocked up his ears so Rolly went in to see what it was & there he saw a big black object standing right on the path - but as it was pretty dark in the woods, he could not tell what it was so he fired his revolver at it & it went off howling through the woods - well last Sunday morning we were all sitting in our tents reading & writing & Rolly looked out towards the woods across the prairie & he shouted O boys there is a Bear!!! so we all ran out & Edward took his rifle I my gun & the rest took axes & knives & whatever they could - we crept along through the long grass untill [until?] we came to within about a hundred yards of him & we could just see the top of his ears & his back above the high grass - so Ed fired at him & he ran some distance & fell down there we all hurried to his death bed and to our intense disgust we found it was only a large Indian dog but he was a most tremendous brute & quite wild & had he had the chance might have attacked us - we examined him as he lay dead at our feet & found two other bullet holes in him besides the fresh one, & so we concluded he had been the thief - for since his death we have had nothing more stolen - I am begining [beginning?] to like the work much better than I did for at first my feet were so blistered & sore from walking so much & being wet all the time - that with the other torments sickened me - tho' [although?] I never gave up one day - Uncle George & I have each a small party & we run races every day to see who will do most work, but lately several of our poor fellows have been laid up with boils & cuts yesterday Rolly, Walter & [?]ie were all laid up with tremendous boils poor fellows the cook (G.W.)[George Whitehead?] has one coming on his neck Edward has one & has not quite recovered from it although he has been working so far Hammond & I are the only ones who have not been off work one day yet on account of sickness - but I am sorry to say H. [Hammond?] has one beginning on his neck - I never felt better in my life I am happy to say & have no boils yet Uncle G [George?] was off work for two days on account of his ankle, but he is all right again - (George had his ankle broken many years ago & when he walks very far it swells & is very painful poor fellow) The flies are bothering the life out of me so that I can hardly write - We have had great thunderstorms every day now for more than a week Any one who is timid in a great storm should come here & they would get hardened I never saw such lightning in all my life the thunder rambles along all day whether the storm is going on or not & the rain comes down in floods - The thunder is generally so loud that we cannot hear one another speak yesterday while we were out at work & the 3 sick boys & the cook were at home a number of Indians came past on their way to the mountains for their winters hunting, they stopped at our camp & the cook gave them some soup - but not one of them could speak one word of English but gabbled away in indian, Rolly who is pretty quick picked up some of their words he would take up an article & asked the name of each thing in Indian & Rollie would write it down - They stayed several hours about camp & went off in very good humor [humour?] - Our horse which was once belonging to an Indian follow them some distance as they had 21 ponies with them & the boys did not notice it till an hour afterwards when one of the Indians came back leading our pony & tied him to a tree for us - they have a great honor [honour?] of horse stealing But naturally they are very honest in every thing poor creatures although they are great beggars, but we always get on very well with them & give them some food when they call on us - we were afraid at first that we should be very late in the winter getting our work finished, but now we are doing nearly double the amount of work we did - & have nearly finished one township already - every day the work will get more easy as the sloughs dry up & the cold weather comes on, & the horrid flies will be over then and as the cold weather advances every one will get well & boils & medicines will be a thing of the past & the leaves will fall off the trees & half the amount of chopping will be saved in the woods then - All these together with experience & the hope of getting through our work will make all hands work better & put all into better spirits - I must say that I should not like to go through the first month here again a more miserable set of tramps never were out on all expeditions than we were the day after we began work after our weary march from the Portage to our townships - If we had taken the advice which we got both before & after we came to this country we should have been far worse than we are - but we took no ones advice & have got along as well as it was possible - I did not tell you that for some days we had no bread for our flour was delayed so long coming after us that we had given up all hopes of getting any for the winter when at last it arrived an Indian with seven carts brought it up from the Portage - as the man who had engaged to bring it, broke his bargain & left us almost destitute one man can take charge of a number of horses here as they are taught to follow one another on the trails which are narrow paths - The other party who are surveying the block of townships west of us - were in the same plight, but they got part of the supply which arrived the other day - they have been all sick & some of his men have left him - for he took every ones advice & suffered accordingly Mr Thompson the Chief of that party laughed at Uncle G [George?] for bringing his whole party from Ontario with him - he having been advised to have his men at the Portage, - brought only 4 young men with him & hired the rest The consequence is they had a row & left him in the lurch just when he wanted them most - one could not stand the flies - & he left - but so far none of our fellows have left nor even mentioned such a thing - we have still the same we left home with G. [George?] Whitehead is cook now & does very well indeed we did bring one from the Portage with us as I told you before, but he left us after we had been two days on the road - and it was as well he did for he was a hard case & we should have had trouble with him I do hope all the boils will soon go now & all hands get to work again Uncle G [George?] has only 2 hands with him at present & I the same untill [until?] the rest are well - but both my men are laid up yesterday I took an axe & went to help Uncle G [George?] at first Uncle G [George?] was in very low spirits about the whole thing, but now he is as full of fun as he can be & can work & eat like the rest of us Our little bird had been more than a month with us & was so tame - we called it Meihie & he answered the name so well But two days ago a hawk came right down between the tents where it was pe[?]ing & flew off with our poor pet - we have had any quantity of nice strawberries & now raspberries - The former as large as many garden ones - but tho' [although?] they would be very grateful to us - we have not time to gather any quantity of either except while walking to & from work - the woods are full of wild cherries & high bush cranberries hazel nuts, black currants & those I first mentioned - we eat as many berries as we can while walking we get teribly [terribly?] stung from wasps every day & some times stung all over - & it is no fun I can assure you Big Bend Prairie August 31st 1879 Sunday I am sorry that our letters have been so doleful - but we all felt the hardships so much & all were in very low spirits - & over worked & little or no sleep at night from those horrible flies & walking all day so that it was scarcely any wonder I felt in a dismal mood - But now we are doing so much better and hope to get home before the winter is very far advanced as the weather becomes colder the flies &c will begin to disappear we thought the work on the Toronto & Ottawa Railroad two years ago very hard - but it was nothing to what we have had here with much less comforts - Then we had always a good supply of fresh vegeables [vegetables?] - here we have not seen even a potatoe [potato?] since we came here five weeks ago & no prospect of having any either while here - We have plenty of dried beans for soup & we like them but long for a taste of a new potatoe [potato?] more than you can tell We have been very much troubled with skunks (polecats) coming about the Camp and we are afraid to shoot them - they are such nasty things, tho' [although?] pretty - we shall try to trap them We shall move further East from here about the end of this week & it may be a month or five weeks before we shall have a chance to send another letter home, so if you do not get one at the time you generally do you will know the reason & not fret & think something bad has befallen us - but I shall send a letter by every chance |