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Title: James Horner, Philadelphia, to Thomas Horner, [Bovevagh?].
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileHorner, James/9
SenderHorner, James
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationmentions labourer wages; job unclear
Sender Religionunknown
OriginPhiladelphia, Penn., USA
DestinationCo. Derry, N.Ireland
RecipientHorner, Thomas
Recipient Gendermale
SourceT.1592/8: Copied By Permission of Hugh Conn Esq, Limavady, Co. Londonderry, Ireland.
ArchiveThe Public Record Office Northern Ireland.
Doc. No.8810079
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
Log13:10:1988 GC created 01:02:1989 pg input 02:02:19
Word Count1214
TranscriptTo Mr Thomas Horner
Care of Mr Mark Rodgers
1 Jany [January?] 1802
Dear Parents
I have taken every opportunity in letting you know
that I am living and well thank god for his mercies
which we daily experience it is the one thing need full
which we ought to remember as knowing sooner or later we
must leave all behind us; I have wrote so many letters
to my friends I may suppose you will be [lived?] with
them but as it is the only comfort I can afford hoping
that you will do the same for me; whilst I live in this
city I will give you all the information I can; I am with
Robt.[Robert?] Jackson as yet he has got married to a
Miss Parker last night. I cannot give you much information
concerning this country as I have not experienced much of it as
yet a labourer can have 7/6 pt. day and find self he must
pay 3 dollars per week for his boarding so much for
washing up and drink as a person cannot live without Liquire [liquor?]
you will pay from 11/3 to 15[s?] for a pair of light shoes
(there is no nails worn in this country as you do in Ireland)
Markets is very low we have had a very fine season as yet
no storm what ever. Ezekiel Smith was talking of coming here
it is very difficult to get here and the customs of this place
differs from what he has seen a Taylor [tailor?] can do very well
after he has wrought some time here I could not give any
encouragement as I know some of the difficulties that attends
it nor would I take it upon me but every one judge
for himself I know perhaps if he was here he would
come to more than ever he could in Ireland if he would have
his health that is the only thing which he can depend upon
as to friends they might be a small help at first the best
friend is do for your self as other ways your friends will
look light on you but this is not to discourage any young man
that has a mind to try his fortune he must venture come what
will; a carpenter can have from 7/6 to 11/3 per day and find
himself in all things there is nothing like a steady place
for travelling is very expensive for my part I never pay'd
for one meals [----?] since I came here but everyone is not alike
I was but five days out of [-----?] at first that was not long
Dear Father I must ask a request of you as I hope you
will not refuse me of it you will find it in the enclouser [enclosure?]
but perhaps you will think it too soon to be taking from
you but perhaps it will do me more good now than again
you may expect it is not for nothing for if I live I will
make a return I have wrote something concerning it
I hope the time will not be long but we cannot promise
tow fare [too far?] as it does not ly [lie?] in our own hand but the sum
is not much and I thought it was the [safest?] way I could
remit it Jas [James?] Burk does not know as yet as he had to go
to Lancaster. I hope you will not disapoint [disappoint?] me in my
request. [James?] [will send?] my reseat [receipt?] in closed [enclosed?]
to his father I hope you will right [write?] to me as soon as
possible, if you were at Derry you would see Mr
Lithca Smith he is [?] who sailed in the Mohalk [Mohawk?] [We?] sent
some letters with him he would bring your letters safe
to me as we were aquinted [acquainted?] Archeybald [Archibald?]
McFadden is well he and I is together most every sunday
I have put past Cristmas [Christmas?] in this country I do not know
the time when my couzen [cousin?] John and Tom Jackson will
go to [Killiblught?] for a dram but the like of this I must
lave [leave?] off all them old saying is don [done?] away there is no
playing of [Gammon?] here but every one follow his employment
Livey [Picket?] is very well. Jas Gailley [Gayley?] and wife is well
I have not heard from Joseph Lowry since he went to
N. York they had a small turn of yealow feavour [yellow fever?] this
summer and in Northfolk we had a very healthy Citty [City?]
this past year I heard that John McCotter is dead
as this is a country subject to sudden deaths but
we will live our appointed time; Give my love to
Unkle [Uncle?] and Aunt Mellon and family let them know that
coming to this country is one of the disagreeablest things
ever the [they?] experienced for a family it will take a grait [great?]
sum of money before they can have a situation it is nothing
to a single man but a family is quit [quite?] different as for my
aunt I suppose she never would be content for she would
find it different from the old Country there is nothing
for Nothing here but I would be Glad they would do well
Dear Mother I hope you are content in your situation do
not greve [grieve?] for me knowing that I am happy and well
I never was as lusty as now I give you all the comfort
that I can in writing to you I never wish to write any [thing?] but
as far as I know I hope you will send me a line or tow [two?]
as it will be acceptable to me, Robert Brown is well; he
lives in this City: Mr [Clinton's] family is well Mrs Clinton
is well; Give my [--torn--?] to Mr and Mrs Gray and
let them know that there [their?] son Edward is very well he
and Mr Taylor our [supercargo?] has set up Store -
Give my love to my friends in [Innochagher?] I have wrote
if not [miscarried?] to them My love to Mr and Mrs Brown
and Mrs [Sutcliff?] and family in Curryfree -
I hope my friends in Gortnaboey is well I have taken
the fore way of my Friend Andrew Jackson in coming to
this Country but I suppose he will be married before
now I wish he may get a good one or none: I hope my
Aunt Horner and family is well my dear Unkel [Uncle?]
John Horner I hope he is well I have wrote a few lines
to him If it was convenient I could let him know what
would make him laugh but I cannot say any more
at present I am glad to think that peace is [restored?]
sooner than expected my love to coussen [cousin?] [Jas?]
Irons and family I cannot menchen [mention?] all my
Neighbours by name Give me best respects
to all my friends and Neighbours in general without exception and all
who wishes to here [hear?] from me. Dear Father Mother Sisters
and Brothers I wish you
all happy New Year fairwell [farewell?]
Yours &c
Jas Horner
Direct your letters to
Mr Carson south street