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Title: John Miller, Hamilton, Canada to Susen [Maguire?].
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileMiller, John/14
SenderMiller, John
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationemployed at the Great Western
Sender Religionunknown
OriginHamilton, Ontario, Canada
DestinationCo. Down, N.Ireland
Recipient Genderfemale
SourceD 2630/2/7: Presented by Messrs. Moorhead and Wood, Solicitors, 7 Wellington Place, Belfast. Per Mr. Morrow.
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, Northern Ireland.
Doc. No.9311028
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
LogAction By Date Document added by C McK., 03:11:199
Word Count874
TranscriptLetter from John Miller, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada, to Susen [Susan?] [Maguire?],
[Drumallen?] [Drumalane?], County Down.

Shelton Maguire Drumallen March 28th 1857

Dear Susen [Susan?]
At the expiration of nearly two
years I take this oppertunity [opportunity?]
of sending you a few lines hoping they will
find you and all they [the?] family (sic) in
good health as they [?] in the present
time thanks be to almighty god for all his
Blessings I have seen a good deal of the
wourld [world?] since I saw you in Lurgan and
I never was one day sick since I left home I
stoped [stopped?] in New York for four months
and then I came to Canada I lived one year
there I then thought I would go to they
[the?] states again (sic) I travelled a dale
[deal?] of them looking for what I could not
find there I came one in November 56 [1856?]
to a place called [-swego?] and stoped
[stopped?] there for a few days in the hotell
[hotel?] I got a quainted [aquainted?] with a
man from Armagh he was on tramp [?] also he
and I were talking about the old country as
we were shatting [chatting?] on the subject a
[an?] noldish [oldish?] kind of lady
apeasingly [appeasingly?] came in the waiting
room where we were she asked me if I was from
Charlemont or if I knew any one there I said I
was well aquaint [acquainted?] there she asked
if I knowed [knew?] any of the Clarkes I told
her they were all friends of my own for my
Mother was Clarke she then asked me what was
my name I told her she asked if my Mother was
dead I told her and then how many Brothers I
had and their names and also Sisters and if
they were living or dead she (sic) a asked me
if there was any of my family in America I
said I had one Sister Mary came out when I was
a child Married to a man the name of I [?]
Tobias but I had no account of her this long
time I thought she must be dead the tears
rolled down her cheeks and got me in her arms
and said you must be my Brother John so we

soon got well acquainted then we had a long
talk a bout [about?] the old country and they
[the?] people of it and you in particular she
was sory [sorry?] to hear of they [the?]
trouble you met with she looks old and thin
of flesh she has her own trouble also her
husband is dead twelve years he got a
commition [commission?] in the American Army
as Militia went to the American ware [war?]
with his regiment and was killed there
leaving her with three children two sons and
one daughter
Dear Susen [Susan?] she has got three hundred
acres of land from they [the?] Government and
a portion of twenty pounds a year for the term
of five years her son John Tobias is a cea
[sea?] captain and has a ship of his own he is
married and has no children and Mary with him
that was where I saw Mary they were all very
glad to see me they said that I was the first
friend of Mothers they ever saw I think she
has nothing of her own to live on her daughter
Elizabeth is married well she is as fine a
looking woman as in all America they wanted me
to stop there for the winter and if I did not
what would suit me Thomas would set me in a
tavern and to bring my family there but I
could not I stoped [stopped?] a few weeks
with them and then came back to canada to the
city of Hamilton I was not long here when I
got a situation in the Great Western Railway
at nine dollars per week that is thirty 6
shillings sterling so you see that dollar
there is worth 4 shillings at home I like this
country well and wish I had come here twenty
years ago it would a been well for me I am
sending over ten pound at the [?] I think
I will bring them all here as we could doe
[do?] wele [well?] I wish your daughters were
here they could well (sic) I was sorry that
Sam did not get as he should done with you
with regard your houses when you rite [write?]
I hope you will give me all the particulars of
the matter and let me know how you are getting
along and remember William Young and Sister
and Margaret and let me know they vare all
well I rote [wrote?] to Samuel but I can get

answer from him I gess [guess?] he is doing
no better than when I left hom [home?] I have
written to anderson lately I have not written
to him since the month of August last I was
mocking [?] round so much I wanted to get a
settled way that I could say rite [write?] to
me I hope you will rite [write?] soon
I have nothing particular
I will any money that I had
from Dobbin home to his wife
No More But remain yours
Most truly John Miller
good night