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Title: John Moon, Ottawa to "Dear Robert", Ireland
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileMoon, John/16
SenderMoon, John
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Recipient Gendermale
SourceT 3355/4: Presented by Rosemary Carson, Ireland
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, Northen Ireland
Doc. No.9509101
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
LogDocument added by LT, 27:09:95.
Word Count212
TranscriptAugst [August?] 26th. 1877

Dear Robert
It is nearly two years
Since I received A letter from you
although I had wrote three times
during the winter up to the
first of March the time that
my hand got bad and the
and I had no power of it
I got Mrs Milloney [Maloney?] to write to
you I could have written A little
if I could have kept the paper [flat?]
I could hold anne thing [anything?] when
it was put in to the hand but
could thake [take?] hold of nothing with it
but thank Goodniss [Goodness?] it is almost as
strong as the other now only like
moved it cracks in the sholder [shoulder?]
joint I had a long time withe [with?]
Doctors with it One of them
wanted to [Blister?] me upon
back of the neck I wouldent [wouldn't?]
have it the other One said not
there is no use writing a lot of
blathers I am in good Health
Thank Goodness hoping that my
Father & you and [Ann?] Jane and
all the Children is well write
soon and let me know thou you
are geting [getting?] all allong [along?] the times
is as bad hear [here?] as possible everything
is very dull when you write
Always Cote [Quote?] Saint Pauls

Montreall [Montreal?] P2
Yours truly John Moon