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Title: James and Margaret Black, Ireland, to Brice Black, U.S.A.
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileBlack, James Sr/132
SenderBlack, James Sr.
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationstockbreeder?
Sender Religionunknown
OriginCo. Antrim, N.Ireland
DestinationPennsylvania, USA
RecipientBlack, Brice
Recipient Gendermale
SourceT.3633/1/2: Deposited by Mrs. J. Comparelli
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, Northern Ireland
Doc. No.9407059
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLET
LogDocument added by LT, 04:07:1994.
Word Count489
TranscriptRavcavan August 12th 1822
Dear Brice
I take this opportunity of sending you a few
lines to let you Know that we are all in health
at present thanks be to god for all his mercies
hopin [hoping?] that these lines will find you in the [same?].
I recd. [received?] your letter dated March 14th 1822 and
am glad to hear of your welfare I would have
wrote to you before this time had it not been that
we were still thinking of coming to you But
a trade of all kinds is low here at present and
land and every other article could not be sold
but at an undervalue We find it Impossible to
prepare for Coming this season Cattle is very cheap
at present Cows sells at from three to four Pounds
Butter at 8d per pound Pork at from 20s [Shillings?] to 25s
[Shillings?] per hundred and Victualing of all Kinds low in
proportion you may perhaps think it folly [of?]
me to speak of your coming home but the love
of a father to his child still urges me to [express?]
my desire of seeing you here if it were not
for the fatigue for would undergo in
coming to this Country
Dear Brice let me entreat you to spend a small
part of your time every day in Returning thanks
to god for preserving your life and health let your
throng [sic] of working be ever great if you have a
desire you may find a Convenient time of [Retiring?]
from Business to beg the Blessing of God whom your
industry. In particular let me warn you to
Remember the Sabbath do not spend in vain
pastime that day which is set apart for the [service?]
of god. When you Receive this Write to me and
and let me know if you Reside in the same place
and What business you follow like wise how your
uncle and aunt enjoys their health and likewise
William and Thomas Dick. If you Know of
a David McClean of Glenwhirry let me know if
he is well your Brother William is in a better state
of health than than when I wrote before but he is still
[bad?] at Walking. your unkle [uncle?] John and aunts Jean
and Betty are well and send their love to you
Andrew Wat and family is well William Owens
and family are well young William Owens went
to South Carolina last year
[Robert?] White and family are well Excepting
your aunt who is still in bad health.
James Peters and family are well
James Jameson and family are well
Nancy Dick enjoys her health as formerly
We add not but Remain your affectionate Father
and Mother
James and Margaret Black
your sister Jenny In particular sends her
love to you and would be desirous of your writing
to her She has had two Children more since you
left this place Named Robert and Jane

To Brice Black Care
of Mr. John Dick, Wheatfield
township, Indiana county
State of Pensylvania [Pennsylvania?]
The nothern Rout [Route?]

Samuel Brown J Mr. James [Black?]
Mr James Black
of [W--------?] Mr James Black of
Mr James Dick Care of Mr[-----?]
Brice Black
Care of John Brice