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Title: [Roland?] Redmond, Isle Wright, to William Young, C'backey
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileRedmond, Roland/29
SenderRedmond, Roland
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationmerchant
Sender Religionunknown
OriginIsle of Wight, England
DestinationCo. Antrim, N.Ireland
RecipientYoung, William
Recipient Gendermale
Relationshipcousins, business
SourceD1364/I/48: WL Young Esq, The Old Rectory, Exeter, Devon
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, Northern Ireland
Doc. No.9512033
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLET
LogDocument added by LT, 07:12:95.
Word Count558
TranscriptMarine Hotel
Ventor 22 Feb 1877

My dear Willy
I see by your handwriting on the envelope that you
have read Roy's letter to me about the zinc continue
to lead them till we know the exact value of the
judgement although it throws but little light on the
subject - there is one point of much importance damages
are restricted to 6 years. During those six years I
think I am safe in saying that the comp.[company?]
only mined in what is called the "Buckwheat field"
which has always been considered zinc ore and said
field was not claimed by the parties to the suit
which the comp. [company?] gained some 15 years ago.
However the present judges may have decided that
this field is Iron ore until I have further particulars
I cannot write more In fact I have not had time to
think over fully what Roly has written. He will write
me oftener when he gets my letter of three weeks ago.
$200 000 in the [trust?] [comp.?] is far more than I
expected I feel now like compromising with [Withnal?]
[Petent?] suit for I count to get rid of my liability
on the Board to the Supreme Court. I am thinking of
writing Watson on the subject, but must take time as
not commit myself without him thinking (* in margin *
what think you ?). This is all I can say & would
& [----?] writing you for a [way?] to reason over
mother were it not that I [wont?] want a post to
leave without you hearing from me. I have now to [--on?]
James's letter without date, but with four magnificent
ships - many thanks to [her?] and "the captain" - I have
availed of her request not to bother her with letters
I have also had yours of the 29th Jany [January?] and
3 and 7th Aust. [August?] : by the former I see with
much pleasure that you are getting rather 'big for your
breeches' which John Young who spent two days with me
last week fully confirmed. he too was looking very well.
In a note from IM after his return to London he said
that Roly had been making [sales?] and had telegraphed
for [more?] goods. This looks [well?] He also told me
that the Belfast [trade?] made after the [usual?]
reductions œ1900 for the past six mos [months?] and that the will
was doing fairly well not much less than last year all
good news I dont know what to say about the Thames
& Mersey shares- what could do with proceeds of my 50-?
I see the [Lan?] [st?] [Con?] [Ri?] [Deelow?] at 6 1/4%
Taking it for granted that you have seen my note of
19th to [---I & R T?] and that you have also seen [friend?]
John I have now to say that I think the inhaling of
Carbolic acid is doing me good - I feel my insides
much more comfortable in being free from "Potacary's
Nastincy" I called on the Doctor today but he is in
his room and has been there since Monday 19th likely he
did too much that day.
With love to June and the youngsters
Always and faithfully yours
Rowland Redmond

P.S. I have had to write Henry [Hoyt?] about zinc by
this post so excuse irregularities RR.