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Title: R. J. Alexander, San Francisco to Susan Alexander, Ireland.
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileAlexander, Robert J/62
SenderAlexander, Robert J.
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginSan Francisco, California, USA
RecipientAlexander, Susan
Recipient Genderfemale
Relationshipbrother and sister in law?
SourceT 2461/2/6: Photocopied by Courtesy of John Boyd Esq.
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, Northern Ireland.
Doc. No.9405307
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
LogDocument added by LT, 11:05:1994.
Word Count705
Transcript810 Twenty First st [street?]
San Francisco
Oct 6/90 [1890?]

Dear Susan
The latest news we had from home
was a letter from sister Mary Ann to Thos [Thomas?] G.
containing the very bad news of our dear brothers
death. It was so unexpected and unlooked for by any
of us that it came like a thunderbolt from
a clear sky although my brothers and sister
had a [presentment?] of bad news through dreams
but they hardly looked for it from that source
I had just written a letter to David B. about
three days before we got the news of his death
but that letter will remain unread by him
poor fellow. You and he had got things in
such good shape and were so comfortable fixed
I was in hopes that he would take the world
a little easier and enjoy life a little better as
he had a busy work-a-day life has practically
raised two families, as we were all very young
when father died and it was through his and mothers
exertions we were all kept together as a family
until most of us had grown up. I could not
appreciate his labors in this [connection?] when a
boy so well as in later years I have [?] and
often wished I could have given more [?]
tokens of it to him than I was able to do not
that he needed it probably of late but I felt that
I should have liked to do it. In fact I have
no love for money execpt for the benefit
or good I might be able to do with it for
others especially my own relations.
I was living in hopes of being able to visit
Ireland in a year or two and seeing you all
but it is just as well we cant tell what
the future has in store for any of us. He
has done with the cares of this life now
and the future state can only have or be
a blissful sentance [sentence?] for him
We may reflect that if this or that had
been done or left undone some dear one
would be with us still and in fact we do
foolish things sometimes which are liable
to shorten our earthly lives but still there
probably some destiny in it all that we cant
David was speaking of laborers being scarce and
wages very high and no doubt he overtaxed or
[?] himself too much as it was a busy season
with you then. He never had a very rugged or
robust constitution and that chilling he got in
the water may have brought on his fatal
sickness but if it had not come in that way
it would in some other form if his time
had come.
We were all sending messages to D. [David?] B.
by cousin Thomas Alexander but suppose
he had not written any of you before his
death in fact he may not have written
yet although he is home several weeks
but we have only a postal card from
yet as yet announcing his arrival.
These afflictions all leave sadness in their
wake but if your children had to loose [lose?] one
parent it is much better for them that
their mother should be spared a father may
be sadly missed but a mothers place cannot
be filled when there are young children to
be cared for.
I hope you won't give way too much to
grief as it is not right to [?]. It wont
bring back the dead and we owe a duty to
the living. you have your children to
live for and care for and I hope you will
be given strength and courage to bear
your burden and pull through with
a good heart.
I am too far away for consulation or
advice if and were needed by you but
although I have never met you I have
often heard you are a good manager
I should like to have a letter from
you just as I had [occasionally?] from
David as I am always interested in the
welfare of my relations. With best wishes for
you and your children and heartfelt sympathy
for you in your afflication.
Your affectionate brother
R. J. Alexander