Title: | Liza Smyth , Castledamph to James Smyth Ontario |
ID | 2652 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Smyth, Eliza Catherine/48(2) |
Year | 1903 |
Sender | Smyth, Eliza Catherine |
Sender Gender | female |
Sender Occupation | farmer |
Sender Religion | Protestant |
Origin | Castledamph, Co, Tyrone, N.Ireland |
Destination | Essex Co., Ontario, Canada |
Recipient | Smyth, James Alexander |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | siblings |
Source | Copyright Retained by Mr & Mrs J Smyth, Castledamph, Plumbridge, Co Tyrone, castledamph@btinternet.com |
Archive | Mr & Mrs J Smyth, Castledamph, Plumbridge. |
Doc. No. | 0410233 |
Date | 05/01/1903 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | LTE |
Log | Document added by LT, 28:10:2004. |
Word Count | 1016 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | Castledamph January 5th 1903 Dear Brother, In answer to your last letter which we rec [received?] some time ago. In the first place we are all well. I see by your letter you are all likewise We are all glad to know that Mary is getting on so well with her lessons Master James thinks she done (sic) grand work in Latin and French and so do we all for so short a time. I must tell you how the news turns to lies around here. A few heard that peise [piece?] of [your?] letter [Read?] in which you told us of the operation you helped with somehow Annie Barklay or McKelvey heard it and now she is telling it was out of Mary the rib was took (sic) owing to the time the cart went over her. See how every thing is believed but the [there?] will be [wiser?] folk that will hear any more of your letters good or bad. I forgot to tell Mary in my last letter that old Nickey Bradly [Bradley?] is dead, he died Saturday before xmas he got a thorn in his finger and it didn t get right better untill he got a cold and it ended in death he was not much over a month off work altogether he is badly missed for killing pigs since he died all his old stories are gone with him he was always so merry one will think it odd with another butcher We rec [received?] them pictures Friday before Christmas we are very thankful to you for sending them I intend to get them framed sometime when the cash is plenty not now. Well young Robert McFarland has sold Barness farm and bought one down near Douglass or there abouts he leaves Barness in this Month their [there?] is nothing but changing places here at present. Barness has went (sic) to a catholic and I suppose it [just?] as well as I belive [believe?] Robert was not so well liked as he used to be. Uncle John, John McFarland and Jamey McKnight all got pictures from Tommy Hay last week. Father Wm [William?] and Tom are over in Stewarts they have started to plough and it takes one cutting rushes before him and Tom is [trenching?] so we will have plenty of work for all hands in future We had John Charlie home since Tuesday before Xmas he is for joining the navy as a ship carpenter if he passes he went up to Omagh last Saturday to see a Headsman there but he was away on Holidays and didnt get any more word since he went into Strabane yesterday evening and is going up to Omagh on Sat again he intends to go no matter what happens I wanted him to write to see what you and Mary would say but he wants to get away at once he thought that would keep him to [too?] long but perhaps he may not be away for a few weeks yet. Rev C M Monteith is for having a Soiree or some kind of an entertainment in Castledamph school on Tuesday January 20th the tickets are only 6 pence no tea so they wont be much [bother?] I think the money is for helping to buy a Harmonium for the School there will soon be singer (sic) around here. I think I never told you that Alex McClelland left where he was at [Nov?]. he is down now at Hilltown [7?] miles from Warrenpoint and 4 from Rostrevor he has a house to himself Andy - Andy and John Campbell was down four days at Christmas likely but Alex thought some long in a strange place and knew no one he had a good deal of bother in the other place during the winter attending so many sheep. We have had snow here since last Sunday its all gone now only up on the tops of the Hills it was very heavy while it lasted John Chas [Charles?] spent his holidays hunting he got 4 Rabbits and 2 Hares Chas [Charles?] McCullagh and he were together a few days I think John was the best shot for he got most anyway He could get up long before day and be out well if it was any other [work?] he would take long calling but to hunt he could rise at any hour John got a Xmas card from [Buchanan?] and his Photo on it Just about the size of a stamp I dont know what John was doing didnt get his [done?] and sent each one of you a card I thought it very nice, Mr and Mrs McCluskey Plumbridge had a quarrel on Thursday and she got put out & remained out all night untill someone was passing through Sam Dunns [Dunnes?] field and got her lying unconsciousness so she was carried in and the doctor wrought for three hours before she gave signs of coming round & Friday she gave birth to twins both dead born so she is lying between death and life yet the officer was up yesterday to take down her depositions but she never spoke yet the police are Just waiting outside the door to arrest him if she dies Mary know (sic) her as she was at the Marriage in the Chaple [Chapel?] drink lies at the bottom of all these crimes and it was not a wanting in this one as every one [says?] Another bad tale to tell you is Mary Scott is away with that Catholic Policeman last Monday she left Omagh I think Protestants are going to the bad altogether about here this last while John Chas [Charles?] was over in Chas [Charles?] McCullagh Friday night and he says they are all in a rage such a fine girl like her everyone had the thought she would go so it has happened at last I must hurry and close now as Mother has tea ready and it is near [post?] time so good bye wishing you a Prosperous New Year your Sister Liza C Transcribed by Tony Flanagan |