Title: | George Wood, Michigan, to [Anna Weir?], [?] |
ID | 3395 |
Collection | Irish Emigration Database |
File | Wood, George R/27 |
Year | 1891 |
Sender | Wood, George R. |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | asylum attendant |
Sender Religion | Baptist |
Origin | Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA |
Destination | Pontiac, Michigan, USA |
Recipient | Weir, Annie |
Recipient Gender | female |
Relationship | friends |
Source | Copyright retained by Mrs Linda Weir, Tirmacspird, Lack, Co. Fermanagh, BT93 OSA |
Archive | The Ulster American Folk Park |
Doc. No. | 9906062 |
Date | 23/05/1891 |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | EMG |
Log | Document added by LT, 15:06:99. |
Word Count | 206 |
Genre | |
Note | |
Transcript | The Kalamazoo, JOHN JORDAN PROP., Kalamazoo, Mich. May th23 1891 Dear frind [friend?] I now take the Pleasure of answearing [answering?] your note wich [which?] i received before I left I just had a lovely time down in [Sagnaw?] with my frinds [friends?] I was down to Flint Asylum that his [is?] not much of a Place it is a small Buiding and I was to the Deaf and dum [dumb?] School and now I am in Kalamazoo and I was up to the Asylum this morning and put in my Appacations [applications?] and I expect to start wark [work?] next week if all his [is?] well it his [is?] not like the E.M.A. [East Michigan Asylum?] the Buildings are seprate [separate?] and I dont think it is so neet [neat?] but they give better wages and that his [is?] what we want his [is?] money I ham [am?] one of the worst men when I ham [am?] doing nothing I get uneasy and cant rest like all the other good People do well Annie I think there his [is?] no more at Present but give my Best wishes to my Frind [friend?] Miss Harrison So good by [bye?] and Pleasant Dreams to you From your Frind [friend?] George adress [address?] Mr. George R. Wood P.O. Kalamazoo Mich [Michigan?] I hope to hear from you Soon |