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Title: M. [Marshall?] Belfast, to Isabella Allen, U.S.A.
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
Filemarshall, margaret/225
SenderMarshall, Margaret and John
Sender Gendermale-female
Sender Occupationhousewife/businessman
Sender Religionunknown
OriginBelfast, N.Ireland
Destinationprob. Augusta, Georgia, USA
RecipientAllen, Isabella
Recipient Genderfemale
RelationshipMargaret writes to her sister Isabella
SourceD/1558/1/2/41: Presented by F.D. Campbell Esq., 15 London Road,Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex, England.
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, Northern Ireland.
Doc. No.9803661
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLTE
LogDocument added by LT, 27:03:98.
Word Count1106
TranscriptBelfast 16th January 1839

My dear Sister

I have left myself very little
time for writing, I calculated on having another
day but first I must have my epistle in the post
in a couple of hours. Eliza desires me to mention
that she wrote by the packet of the 13th _ I have
now done as desired and proceed with my own business.
Your letters have not afford more sincere pleasure to
any one than to your old sister. I wrote half a
letter which John & Rosa finished shortly after
you went away, but from it not being mentioned in
any of your letters I fear it has miscarried. There
is the consolation of thinking there was nothing
very important contained therein, but I regret that
up till this, nothing from my clever pen
should have reached yours. We have all bad colds,
but are now quite well. The children are greatly
grown, both in size and goodness. Bella sends her
love & bids me say she does not forget her aunt
Allen, & she is most exceedingly delighted that you
took her little work box with you & she could have
lent her other one likewise if you had asked it.
Andrew is talking at a great rate, can say his
"anty Begge, boat" och, oh" & puts up his little
jaws to intimate that you are far away. All in
Wellington Place are quite well - Rosa talks
of going to Scotland the latter end of this
month, immediately after having had a party]
for Mrs Dan Cewrale. Aunt Robert had a fine
son this morning & both are doing well. William
is gone on a journey by coach & sent home a
remittance this morning. James & his family are
well, the wee fellow weaned & doing well - Miss
K. getting up her spirits pretty well. Katherine
Templeton is still staying with her & is a great
comfort to her. We, or rather our house, suffered
something in consequence of the late fearful
storm - but all the damage has been repaired
except the dirt of the workmen's feet are nearly
in the same order as usual. Mrs. Allen seems quite
well she dined in Wellington Place on old
New Year's day & was in very good spirits. I had
occasion to chastize Miss Porter on the hand
for some Wheat, & the old lady fired up & called
out pretty loud - "What are you that for? Cant
[Can't?] you let the poor child alone,'" I said
it would do her good, "och nonsense" said she
"she did not want it at all" - & was evidently
not at all satisfied with me. However my prognostic proved
true, & she was good all the rest of the evening.
Have you forgotten the sign of the cross? I have
been looking for it for some time - keep your
promise or you will be found out. You know miss,
you promised faithfully to do so, &
if you deceive me beware of my just indignation.
I have been reading Miss Martiuea
with which I have been greatly delighted,
particularly as she went over nearly
the same ground as you. I have likewise read
Palinuge in consequence of your having mentioned
it & enjoyed it very much. I am now leading a very
quiet life, walking a little, working a little,
driving every day with your two sisters in their
new covered car chosen by Miss Pinky. -
Declining all parties in consequence of my cough
& living pretty much by my own fireside, putting
on heating the children as occasion requires &
scolding my old grey headed spouse by ways of a
pleasant pastime. Oh I wish it were summer till
we had you back, but summer will come sooner
than we think & then we shall have a great deal
to say & chat about - it will indeed be delightful.
I am glad to hear that "that creature" is treating
you pretty well. But he could scarcely do any thing
else as you are living in a house with strange
people, he is evidently on his good behaviour - but
you have not found him out yet - Believe me my dear
sister he has not shown himself in his true colours-
Nevertheless give him my kind reminiscences, & say
I wish he were here beside me till I could plague
him a little. We have had a good deal of snow & frost
& I fear the poor will be in a miserable condition.
The late snows have destroyed vast quantities of grain
& then their unsavable habitations were blown down
or unroofed in most parts of the country - wished I
know not what will become of the wretches. It is an
awful prospect. William will be sorry I am sure
to hear of the loss of the St Andrew, the crew & captain
are however saved & this is the chief thing. John is
going to finish this, my hand is cramped with
writing so quickly. Excuse all blunders & Believe
me now & ever my sister your sincerely attached
Maggy [Margaret?]

Dear Allen,
Presuming that Margaret has told
all the family news to Isabella, & all that
relates to our common friends, - I shall merely
add a few lines on my former theme, the Institution.
We have taken the opinion of Warren and the Attorney
General on the tender of 20 by Bates, accompanied
with a threatening letter, in case of our refusing to
receive it. They are both of opinion that we are
compellable to receive; therefore we have received
the same: and must only be the more alert in
watching the state of the list of Proprietors.
Montgomery has formally resigned from Mids. next;
but no ado L. has yet appeared for a successor. We
wish to specify minutely the duties of the office
before we publish an invitation to candidates to
come forward: & one thinks of making some change
in the fees. - I believe it will be found that
Macrory cannnot enforce the right of admission under
B. Edward's transfer. Ball has given it as his opinion
that the right of veto given by the Act is absolute
and that a Maudamus will not lie. - In the borough
the Tories went 23 ahead of us last registry & all
secure going wrong. - I suppose you have heard
that Crop has been appointed Joint Secretary to
the Board of Education. - Have you fixed a time
for your return to Old Ireland? [-----?] attend you
and yours
[------?] John.