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Title: Extract of a Letter from Philadelphia.
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginPhiladelphia, Penn., USA
Recipient Genderunknown
Relationshipre living in the USA
SourceThe Belfast Mercury or Freeman's Chronicle 30th Sept 1783.
ArchiveThe Linenhall Library, Belfast.
Doc. No.9407168
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
LogDocument added by LT, 02:06:1994.
Word Count201
TranscriptExtract of a Letter from Philadelphia, dated Aug.
5, 1783 written by a gentleman who lately sailed from Ireland.
"This is perhaps the most populous and
flourishing city in all the world, abounding with
every thing that can render one happy; the people,
instead of decreasing by the war, have I am
convinced increased. There are shipping and
men here I believe from every nation under Heaven.
I am very happy in informing you that the
Irish are most respected, and their colours fly
with universal applause, whilst the English dare
not for [their?] very souls hoist theirs; and as for
the Scotch, the Province of Virginia have entered
into resolutions not to admit one of them
among them. - The morals of the people are
greatly corrupted since the war commenced - I
never saw less regard paid to the Sabbath Day
than in this city. The English army, in traveling
through the Jerseys, met a Presbyterian
Minister on the road, whom they inhumanly
murdered, and afterwards went to his house and
cruelly butchered his wife and children. - Many
a brave man fell a victim to English pride; many
an orphan to cry: "Oh! where is my father!" -
Such is the havock ambition makes among
the works of God, and such the effects of
an unnatural war."