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Title: Extract From a Letter of a Recent Emigrant to Upper Canada
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
Sender Genderunknown
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginUpper Canada (present-day Ontario)
Recipient Genderunknown
Relationshipre emigration
SourceThe Belfast Commercial Chronicle, Monday February 1st, 1836
ArchiveThe Linen Hall Library, Belfast
Doc. No.9410327
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
LogDocument added by LT, 20:10:1994.
Word Count372
TranscriptExcerpt from a letter of a recent emigrant to upper Canada:-
"I trust that such of your friends as may find it necessary
to emigrate, will give this upper province the preference.
It only wants capital and manual labour (the poor
man's capital) to be expended in it, to become one of the
finest countries in the world. And now that Government
have, I believe, seen their error in keeping up the price of
land so high, and have resolved to reduce it, it is said, to one
dollar per acre, I hope the tide of emigration will again set
in with a stronger current hitherward than ever. I am sorry
to say that the great proportion of emigrants from both
Great Britain and Ireland during the last season have located
in the Under States. I hope, however, this will not longer
continue, now that the price of wild land is to be so much
reduced. I see Government lands, even in the neighbourhood
of Toronto, are now advertised to be sold at the upset price
of one dollar per acre, and at several other places at
the same rate. Formerly they would not be sold under
three, four, or five dollars per acre, according to the
local advantages. The American Government sell all
their lands, wherever situated or of whatever quality
at 1 1/4 dollar per acre, and make the purchasers pay
down the whole price at once. Our's give the purchasers
five or seven years to pay the price by annual instalments,
Charging interest on the arrears. With the exception
of the difference of the price of land for some years
past, (and that exception is now removed) Canada is
immeasurably superior to the United States for emigrants
of the British empire to settle in. The soil equal, if not
superior, the climate better, and much healthier than
most, if not all of the United States - the taxes
much less than in the States - and the government to all
but democratic Radicals infinitely superior - more midly
executed, and Stronger and more powerful in protecting
the industrious and peaceable citizen from the outrages of
the idle and turbulent. I trust it will be widely
circulated at home that the price of wild lands is
now so much reduced here."