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Title: A letter to the Northern Star Concerning Father Mc Mahon.
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
Senderan Uslterman
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
RecipientEditor of The Northern Star
Recipient Gendermale
Relationshipletter to newspaper re Father McMahon
SourceThe Northern Star, 23rd June 1868.
ArchiveThe Linenhall Library, Belfast.
Doc. No.9409194
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLET
LogDocument added by LT, 09:09:1994.
Word Count450
TranscriptFATHER Mc MAHON.

DEAR SIR, - I trust you will excuse me for returning
to the subject of the alleged flogging of Father Mc Mahon,
now a convict in Kingston Penitentiary, Canada. For
the sake of the priestly character which he bears, as also
for the sake of humanity, I would be glad I could believe
that the report of the horrible outrage lately committed
on him is untrue.
But I maintain that Mr. Adderley's denial of the
statement in the House of Commons does not settle the
question. His indignant denial has no official weight
I have taken the trouble of searching the London
Times to ascertain the precise words of his answer to
Mr. Rearden, and they clearly prove that the contradiction
of the report can by no means be called authoritative.
Here they are: - "Mr. Adderley said that since
he had seen the question on the notice paper, upon which
it had appeared that day, for the first time, he had
caused all the American papers in the office to be
searched, and found that a Fenian convict had been
punished for reading a copy of the Irish American. -
The Rev. [Reverend?] Mr. Mc Mahon was a Fenian priest who had
been let off being hanged, and was confined in one of
the Canadian prisons, and he (Mr. Adderley) could find
no foundation whatever for such a report as that to
which the honourable gentleman had alluded." From
what source does Mr. adderley derive his information
which enables him to rebuke Mr. Rearden for
proposing his question in the House of Commons? -
Has he had any official communication from the
Canadian Government relative to the report? No such
thing. Only that day, for the first time, his attention
was drawn to the matter, and then, to be able to meet
the question, he "had caused all the American papers
in the office to searched," and, from a hasty perusal
of these papers, he undertakes to indignantly deny the
report, and to "snub" Mr. Rearden. I repeat this
"authoritative contradiction," as you are pleased to term it,
does not satisfy me, and I am very much mistaken if it
will satisfy the Irish people. Even granting that
Father Mc Mahon was not flogged, he is undergoing unmerited
punishment in his prison pen. Cardinal Cullen
appealed to the British Government to spare the life of
General Burke.
Is there any influential bishop or layman to raise his
voice on behalf of a priest, with a grand old Irish name,
who has already more than expiated any offence he may
have been guilty of for his supposed complicity with the
Fenian movement? - I remain, dear sir, yours sincerely