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Title: John James Murphy to Martin Murphy, 27? December 1864
CollectionArgentina - Murphy
SenderMurphy, John James
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationcattle breeder
Sender Religionunknown
OriginBuenos Aires, Argentina
DestinationHaysland, Co. Wexford, Ireland
RecipientMurphy, Martin
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count1037
Genrecorrespondence, local economy,money, property, visit, news
TranscriptBuenos Ayres, December 1864
My Dear Friends,
I would have differed writing this letter to a later date were it not that I expect to leave town for Uncalito on tomorrow and not to take the enclosed bill out to the camp. I thought it better to write from here and leave it in town to be posted by next mail. Dear Brother, I cannot understand from your last letter how it is that it was James that wrote it. I wish you had explained the reason as it leaves me in doubt of something being wrong. But I hope your next will resume it. All friends out here are in good health and getting on first rate. I intend giving two or three of the boys an interest in flocks this March. The whole of them has given me every satisfaction. I have not left town since I last wrote you. After having arranged all about the land, the wool ____ then on the road in and I thought better to remain in to sell it than to have to return again. The wool was in splendid order but had to sell it at a low price owing to the depressed state of the market caused by the bad news and the high interest on money in Europe. I sold it at 87 dollars the @ of 25 lbs (unwashed). Almost every one is storing it unless than situated as myself in need of cash. It's a mere speculation and people at present cannot see what are the prospects that induce them to store, unless diffusion of opinions. Brother William sold two weeks before me at 85, but his wool was heavier than mine. There has been nothing this few days waiting for the news by the packet. She arrived yesterday but brought no news that can make any particular change.
I enclose a bill of ten pounds for Patrick Furlong (Ballyadrack), from his son George, who continue to remember him. I think he is doing more for them that than he could have ever expected to have done had he remained at home, at least considering such a short beginning. He has not written himself as I know but he will likely write by next packet and send the second bill. What a pity to see so much money sending home to be devoured by the hungry landlords in place of keeping it where it can be some use. Dear Brother, I am glad to hear how well the hay has done in Crosstown. Let me know from time to time how Frank of the shop is getting on and how Sinnott is working Crosstown. I think you will make more out of the shop and the five acres than he will out of all the rest. I am sorry it's not convenient for me to send you home more money this year, but it will be tight with me until after next wool season. It has often occurred to my mind to sell off Uncalito next year and trust to the new place in this country. The old place will bring now about ten thousand pounds and I think that ought to be able keep me living here or any place else. These notions are only passing in my mind as a dream, but it will require much consideration before it can be brought to a reality. I am glad to hear of good crop at home but regret to know that the prices are so low. I see the shares in the National Bank of Liverpool are improving something. Dr. Crean has not written as you mentioned in your letter. His time could scarcely admit his doing so. I am sorry about I am not prepared to send home a little present to each of the children, but I will not forget them. There is no vessel here now by which I might send home the wool and ostrich feathers to Margaret, but I will have it prepared and send it when I come into town next time if an opportunity offers. Dear Friends, you must dispense for another while my visit home. I assure you it's against my own wishes I have to postpone it as my heart is yet there. But you must (as I do myself) endeavour to content yourselves with a longer separation which can or will in no way diminish our attachment and love. I am sorry I have no opportunity to send a little token to sister Margaret. I do frequently kiss her likeness. Tell her to give a kiss to each of the little ones for me.
Direct your letters and papers to Barry & Walker, Esq., Buenos Ayres for me, as I have business to do with these parties. My letters is likely to be safer in their hands. Dear Friends, the fine season still continues. The rains are falling very regular and the camps and stock never was in better condition than at present. There has several serious accidents occurred here within this last few days. I will send in some papers to be sent by this packet. One of the most important is the blowing up of H.B.M. frigate the Bombay of 80 guns and about 900 men. She is on this station but was made in atoms by the explosion of the magazine by some accident. I don't know how the report of me getting married to Miss Kavanagh could have arisen, however she is since married and that will clear up the case with me. I am keeping myself quite clear waiting the result of enquiries by my last letter which I hope will be as soon as possible, as she is expecting of leaving this country next February to go to North America. But I have yet said nothing that might induce her to remain longer, at least on my account. Dear Friends, I hope this will find you all in the enjoyment of good health, a blessing I sincerely wish you all, with a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. I remain dear friends your loving brother,

John Murphy