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Title: Tho. Allen, London, [England?], to Sir Geo. Macartney, [?].
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileAllen, Thomas/43
SenderAllen, Thomas
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationmerchant
Sender Religionunknown
OriginLondon, England
RecipientSir George Macartney
Recipient Gendermale
SourceD572/3/62: Purchased From Messrs. John Ross & Co., Auctioneers, May Street, Belfast
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, N. Ireland
Doc. No.9804842
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLET
LogDocument added by LT, 30:04:98.
Word Count226
TranscriptLondon 20th January 1770

Dear Sir

I had the honour to write you last night. I have
since got directions to prepare an Account of the
[Hereditary?] Revenue for Ten years past, [?] also of the
Change Collecting, & the amount of the Aditionall
[Additional?] & Apropriated [Appropriated?] Duties, all
which I shall have ready by Wednesday next. His Excellency
has wrote to Sir George Colebrooke, who answers his letter
by this Nights post. I wrote you last night that I had
got Mr McNeill Nominated [a Cadet?]
I have to day [today?] a Note from The Secretary Confirming
of it. Whatever is your pleasure concerning him, shall be
attended to.
Our New Chancellor has been ill but is better. On
Monday Sir [Fletcher?] Norton is to be Speaker, they talk of
an Oposeition [Opposition?]. some say a Mr Cornwall will be
part [?].
Lord Fred Campbell did me the honour to call on me
two days ago & informed me he had wrote his Excellency.
Whenever it is his & your pleasure to give me farther
Instructions I shall use my best Endeavours to merit your
Aprobation [Approbation?], being most Sincerly [Sincerely?]
Your most obedient
Thos [Thomas?]. Allan

Dear Sir
Mr [Mrs?] [Lees?] had a Generall [General?] [?] of the produce
[?] he [she?] promised to send me a Copy of it but I have not