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Title: Moore, Sally to Pettit, John, 1865
CollectionArgentina - Pettit
SenderMoore, Sally
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginBuenos Aires, Argentina
DestinationMelbourne, Australia
RecipientPettit, John
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count599
Genreillness, correspondence, decease, family, weather
TranscriptBuenos Aires, December 26th 1865
My dear Cousin,
I received your letter of the 24th of August. Margaret Roach had just been telling us of your misfortune in breaking your leg when I received it. I am sorry to see by your letter that you are still in bed but I hope that you are quite well again and that we shall soon see your likeness which I hope you will have taken as soon as you are able. I scarcely know how to apologise to you for not sending mine before this time. I first waited for Fanny to come to town and have hers taken too so as to send them together, and I then waited to be sure that my letters arrived at their destination. I had had however intended having them taken to send by this mail without fail but was prevented by the sickness and death of a friend and relative, he was also a relation of yours, a second cousin and married to Sally Murphy, Uncle James second daughter. Gerald Dillon was well known and esteemed in Buenos Aires by all classes, he was one of those favoured few whom everyone knows and loves, few after poor Sally and his brother and sister will miss him more than we shall, after her own sons he was Mama’s greatest friend. She was always in good spirits when Gerald was in town which was very often as he lived near town. He has left Sally a good property. They had no family so it all falls to her. Poor thing, she is in great affliction. I have never known a more devoted couple, she seemed to care for nothing in the world but him, they had been married eleven years. I send you the number of the Standard containing his obituary. We had no idea when he in one month ago that he was in danger of death, but the Almighty called him and all the doctors and medicines were useless. We called in the best doctors here, four of them, they said that he had disease of the liver and kidneys, and that his blood was so thin that no medicine could take any effect, he died quite reconciled after receiving the last Sacraments and is I hope happy, but his friends will long regret him. I shall send you a likeness of his soon perhaps next month with my own and Fanny’s.
Mama and all our family are well thank God. I am happy to say that the boys have not been molested to serve as yet. There is no sign of the war terminating soon, people think that it will last for a long time yet. War is the greatest drawback to our country.
I am sorry to hear that the drought is so bad in Australia, it is a general complaint here almost every summer, this year is not quite so bad as others as there is grass.
Now my dear cousin I have nearly covered my paper so I will conclude wishing you a happy new year. Mama, Fanny, Uncle James and Eliza Murphy another cousin of yours now in town joins me in warmest love to yourself and my dear Godfather. I hope he is well and strong. Write soon at least every second month and I shall do the same, the likenesses please God I shall send next month but as I have broken my word so often I cannot blame you if you do not believe me this time either. I remain your affectionate cousin,
Sally Moore