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Title: Murphy, Fanny M to Pettit, John, 1866
CollectionArgentina - Pettit
SenderMurphy, Fanny M
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginSouth America
DestinationMelbourne, Australia
RecipientPettit, John
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count581
Genreweather, war, family
TranscriptSouth America, April 20th 1866
My dear Cousin,
Your welcome and long expect letter of Oct 24 reached me safely, you cannot imagine my dear Cousin how sorry I felt when I heard of the accident you met with, what pain you must have suffered, but I hope by this time you are quite recovered. We thought you had forgotten us but we were heartily sorry to hear of the cause of your delay in writing. I was very glad to hear that your dear father was well. I trust he may long continue in the enjoyment of his health. We have had a very disagreeable summer, dry and very dusty, some sheep farmers have lost very much this year but we expect to have a very good winter, it has rained lately, it has been a very severe summer but we cannot complain for we have not lost anything as yet. I see by the last papers you sent that your country is in a very bad state owing to the long drought.
The war here is still going on so it makes the country very dull, our brothers were not troubled by this war as yet and I hope they may not, it is useless in my telling you as you see all about it in the Standard so I will refer you to it. Sally sends them by every mail (…) see all the news of B. Ayres, the papers we receive from you give us much pleasure, you said you do not think they can be of much interest but I assure they are.
Dear John, Sally I suppose has given you an account of everything that happened worth mentioning since I wrote last. Such as my cousin Eliza has entered a convent since I wrote last and two more second cousins have entered also, so now you have three first Cousins in a convent and two second. I hope they don’t forget to pray for us poor sinners in the world. My sister is not married yet. I told you she was engaged in my last, my other sister that was married in April last she was confined of a son. My dear Cousin, by this time you must have received the last Photograph Sally sent you, I also sent mine with hers so you see I have fulfilled my promise of sending mine, and I know you will not forget yours as soon as you are better which I hope you are soon.
Dear Cousin you were right when you said that Sally and I should consider your letters joint property, Sally always sends me hers to read knowing how anxious I look for a letter it is useless in my asking you not to forget to write soon for even now I hope there is a letter from you on its way to me and now my dear John I think I have given you all the news which I think might be of any interest to you, Aunt and Sally are well, I don’t know when Sally wrote to you last, my brothers and sisters all desire to be kindly remembered to you and your father my cousins also. I don’t name them as it would take me some time to name them all, fond remembrance to your father, and receive the same from your
Affectionate Cousin, Fanny M. Murphy
Don’t forget to write often to me I will write soon again