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Title: Reynolds, Mary to Reynolds, Laurence and Mary Ann, 1879
CollectionThe Reynolds Letters. An Irish Emigrant Family in Late Victorian Manchester [L.W. McBride]
SenderReynolds, Mary
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationhead of household
Sender Religionunknown
OriginManchester, England
DestinationChicago, Illinois, USA
RecipientReynolds, Laurence and Mary Ann
Recipient Gendermale-female
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count375
Genreweather, family, crops, decease
Transcript281 Regent Rd
August 25th 79

Dear Laurence & Mary Ann,
We Recived your Kind Letter on the 15th and we ware very Happy
to Hear that you ware all well as we are all well at presant, thanks Be
to God for all his Blessings to us.
Dear Laurence, We ware very glad to Heare that trad was Better in
America & previson chaper [provision cheaper].
Mary Ann and Myselfe was in Ireland for about 10 Days. The
weather was very wet. We Had a Shocking Sommer this yeare. We had
not One week of Drie weather all this Somer. The crops are all Damaged, the hay was all lost.
Brother Williams crop was very good. If He got 3 weeks good
weather bee wood Be at no loss, his land is so rockey and Drie. He is
very comfertable. He has 3 Sons & 2 Dauters. One Son is in a grocers
Shop in Mohill. His oldest Son is a very nice young man and the oldest
Daughter went out to America 4 years agoe to her unkles her mothers
brother to Kintuckey. The[y] are very well of[f] and she Sent a lot of
money Home. Their name is Shannon.
Sister Sicily is Doing very well. She Sent 5 of her children to America.
2 Sons ar maried there. She Lost a very fine young man 21 years
old and about 14 stone. Said he was onley Sick a Short time about 12
months agoe.
We Had no Letter from Brother John Since January 25. I Do not
Know what is the Mater with him. He said he wood Send his Likeness
in Spring. When you goe to see him Bring all particulars. Have a good
Look around and See what sort of a place he has.
Dear Mary Ann, I was very glad to He are from you and that your
baby was so good and your Health was Better. I hope God will leav him
to you & I was very Much Pleased how William is getting on and how
He helped you. I hope God will Bless him & Make him a good man and
all the children. I will conclude By send[ing] our love to yo all.