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Title: Reynolds, Mary Ann to Reynolds (n. Kavanagh), Mary Ann, 1892
CollectionThe Reynolds Letters. An Irish Emigrant Family in Late Victorian Manchester [L.W. McBride]
SenderReynolds, Mary Ann
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationlinen worker
Sender Religionunknown
OriginManchester, England
DestinationChicago, Illinois, USA
RecipientReynolds (n. Kavanagh), Mary Ann
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count583
Genrenew house, trade, weather, politics, family
TranscriptDudley Place
Old Trafford
July 19, 1892

Dear Sister,
I havnot Kept to my Promis I am Sory to Say but it is better Late
than than never. I hop that you and Laurence and the family are all well.
We are all well, thank God. Mother is doing very well. You will See by
My Letter that we Removed to a privet house in Old Trafford. Laurence
will Remember it. It is a very nice house with a Larg Garden at
die back and a Small one at the frunt. We can go out of the dining room
into the Garden. It will be very pie sant for Mother. It is a Larg house.
Their are 5 bead rooms bath &c upstairs and drawing room and dining
Room Larg Kitchin and 2 other Rooms with 4 larg Sillers. It was £50
a yeare with taxes but we got it a Little Less. So you See we Keep moving
on. We had the parish priest to come yesterday to bless it and he
was delighted with it. It cost William a lot of Money to have it furnished
with Suitable furniture. He always told Mother that he would
have her in a nice house with a Garden before She died.
We done nothing but Removing Since Last April. We Removed
from 295 Stretford Rd to a Shop next the works and we find it more
conveniant every way. Now that we have gon to Live privet it cost a lot
of money and time to fit it out. It did not interfare with the Buisness.
We have been very busy ail the yeare, as much as we can do. The new
Shop is greatley admired, no dyers Shop in Manchester to come up to
it. Their are always a crowd outside Looking at it. It is the best Side for
buisness. Our trad has in erased Since we opned it.
Dear Sister, We have a great dale of Rain in this countrary. We have
Scearcley aney hot weather, Raining Every day. The farmers will be at
a Great Loss if we have not a chang for the better Soon.
We have great Excitement in england at this pre sant time with the
Gene rale Election. Gladstone has won. I hop he will let Ireland have
homrool at once and Settle all the strife. It is nearley time to do
Dear Sister, John and his wife are very well. My health is much better
this yeare. I think now as we have gon to the new house we will all
get better health. The eare [air] is purer and not so much Smoak. And
I wont ask to go for aneymore holidays. Mother is to old to be Left now.
You will have a grand time next year with the Exabition. Their will
be a lot of people from hear going to See the Wourlds Show. William
is talking about going but I think that he wilnot go. It is a long way from
home and Mother would not like to Let him go.
Dear Sister, Send a Letter Soon, do not take example from me. I
would have writon but we wair So busey. Mary will be a fine Girl now.
I would like to see her pickture in your next Letter. I have nothing More to tell you this time. Mother & William joins with me in Sending our
Love and best wishes to you all.
Youre Sister Mary Ann