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Title: Reynolds, William to Reynolds, Laurence, 1894
CollectionThe Reynolds Letters. An Irish Emigrant Family in Late Victorian Manchester [L.W. McBride]
SenderReynolds, William
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationlinen trader
Sender Religionunknown
OriginManchester, England
DestinationChicago, Illinois, USA
RecipientReynolds, Laurence
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count388
Genreillness, emigration, trade, family
Transcript1 Dudley Place
Old Trafford
Feb 27/ 94

Dear Brother —
I received your Letter in due time and would have answered it before
but I have been bedfast and not able to do anything for nearly S weeks
with the influenza. I have had a Doctor attending me all the time. I am
now comming round vary niceley but I am not good for vary mutch yet.
I hope with the help of God to get pretty Strong again Shortley So that
I will be able to attend to my business. The wheather is against me as it
is vary cold and wat. We ware vary glad to hear that yourself Maryann
and all the children ware in good health. I have nothing further to write about James William. When the time comes for leaving home you will
Send us all perticulers and we will meet him at Liverpool.
Maryann has not been well for Some time with bronchitis and She
has been obliged to Stay from business from time to time. My mother
is getting vary good health and She has got through the winter vary
well, in fact she is the Strongest of the three. You can tell Willie I have
not forgot him.
I have nothing more of any importance I can write to you about,
only the business went on vary well during my illness. The coal Strike
made a tar rable mess of all trades and only reviving vary sloley. Trade
is not at all as good as it should be but we hope to have a good Summer
and the Ship Canal is now open. The people of Manchester expects
great things from the canal. It is certain to be a great halp. And trade is expected to be vary mutch increased.
John and his wife retired from business only a short time. She was
not Satis ride and thay have taken a Shop in the Same line of business.
And thay are commencing life again. His wife is a comical Sort of a person
and never Satisfide.
Dear Brother, I am writing this Letter in my bedroom and hope with
Gods help to be Soon out of it again. Mother and Maryann Sends thair
best love to Maryann yourself and all the familey.

I remain
your effectionate Brother
William Reynolds