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Title: Reynolds, Mary Ann to Reynolds (n. Kavanagh), Mary Ann, 1894
CollectionThe Reynolds Letters. An Irish Emigrant Family in Late Victorian Manchester [L.W. McBride]
SenderReynolds, Mary Ann
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationlinen worker
Sender Religionunknown
OriginManchester, England
DestinationChicago, Illinois, USA
RecipientReynolds (n. Kavanagh), Mary Ann
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count401
Genrefamily, America vs England
Transcript1 Dudley Place
Old Trafford
Sept 29/94

My Dear Sister Mary Ann — and Family,
Youre letter of the 27 of October [sic] in due time. I was away from
home when it arived here. I was at the seasoid for a few weeks at Blackpool. I feel much better since I came back.
Dear Sister, We are all very well, thank God. Mother com pl anes but
it is only old age. We are glad to heare that you are all in good health.
We know all that is going on in Chicago now with all J.W letters and
papers. He is doing very well. Just as mery as ever, always in good spirits.
Mother is delighted when he comes home at night. I am glad to
heare Laurence looks so well and young. I must get my picture taken
and send you. I think I will beat him because people will not have it that
I am as old as I am. William is much better in health, thank God. We we are all glad over heare when the strikes was settled in
Chicago.57 It must have made things very bad all over. I hope trade will
soon revive again. That fire was an awfule calamity, towns distroyed. We
often think what an awfull place America is. You are not safe but it is so
very larg it is not like this small Hand. It would go in a small corner of
it. Has aney of your family been up to Uncle Jons this summer to see
the old folks how they are getting on. I am very glad Mary is getting
stron[g] again and little Willie. I should think he is getting along fine.
He must not forget granmother in his prayers. Every day one hale Mary
for her for a happy death.
Dear Sister, We are getting busyer in our buisnes this week. I think
it will keep up now until christmass. J. W. is getting into the work very
well. It is quite a change for him. It is all fun over in Chicago but it is
all work in this countray, Except we go for a few weeks in the sommer
to the seasoid.
Dear Sister, Mother wishes to be remembered to you & William
also. She is always talking about Laurence and you.

With kind love to all
your loving sister
M. A. Reynolds