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Title: Reynolds, William to Reynolds, James William, 1898
CollectionThe Reynolds Letters. An Irish Emigrant Family in Late Victorian Manchester [L.W. McBride]
SenderReynolds, William
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationlinen trader
Sender Religionunknown
OriginManchester, England
DestinationChicago, Illinois, USA
RecipientReynolds, James William
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count491
Transcript3 Clarence Road
Victoria Park
Feb 21/98

Dear James,
I received your letter and Maryann & myself were glad to hear that
your Father had improved So well and we hope the improvement will
continue till he is quite Strong again. Also glad to hear that all the family are getting on So well.
Thare are a great meney people comming from the States this year
visiting Ireland in honor of the centenary of 98. If your Father got sufficentley strong I think the voyage across the water would do him good
and might be the means of building his health up again.
The Irish fair in Chicago was a great success and must have
caused a great deal of pleasure with having the Soil from the different
countys. I feel sure the people must have been delited. We
received a letter from Francis about Uncle Johns Golden Jubilee in
March next and that all the family were quite well and expected thair
Son William and other children to be with tham at thair Jubilee.
Maryann speaks of Aunt most highly, been [being] good hearted and a very kind woman. She Ses She can never forget her kindness to her
during her visit.
Thare is going to be a Grand Ball in Manchester St Patrick's night for
the benifit of the distress in Ireland.62 A committee of Ladies both
English and Irish has been formed for the purpose. I intend to be present.
I don't know wheather you have heard of the fund that it has been
formed here for the same purpose. Up to the present thare has been
Subscribed £50-0-0 and the fund is Still increasing and will be kept
open for Some time.
Hughie and all the family are quite well and working the sime as
usuel. Your Uncle John is taking it easy, still living retired. Maryann
is getting pretty good health considering it is winter. She has her old
complaint Bronctitos but she still goes to Stretford Road Shop each
day. The winter has been very mild here. My own health is allright.
I have nothing to complain of except Sometimes I feel I get rather
too much work to do. I have to Stick Very close to it, more espicely
now with having the Laundry attached. It is going on as well as I
expected. We receive everything for washing, all done by Machinary.
I have a new machine by power and heated by gas for Ironing collars
cuffs and fronts. It is a very usefull machine and Irons the things very
Inclosed I send you postal order for £5/, £3 for your Father & £2 for
yourself, hoping the next letter we receive from you we will have further
good news of your Fathers health still improving.
Maryann joins me in Sending our love and best wishes to Father
Mother and all the family.

I remain
your affectionate Uncle
William Reynolds