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Title: Liptrot, Bridget to Doorley, Maria, 1903
CollectionOceans of Consolation [D. Fitzpatrick]
SenderLiptrot, Bridget
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationmill worker
Sender Religionunknown
OriginBolton, Lancashire, England
DestinationQueensland, Australia
RecipientDoorley, Maria
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count282
TranscriptBolton June 29th [?1903]
Dear sister
Just a fue liness to you wondering you did not ansawar my letter. It
is one year and fore Months last March since My letter i rote to you And
i never got answar to it. I cannot tell waht happent. Have i done anny
thing ronge or said anny thing ronge in my letter to not here from you.
Time and time i am in turbled [troubled?] in my Self not hering from you.
For gods sake rite me a fue linnes And let me no how you all Are or if
annythring is the matter.
I went to the infernemy docder [infirmary doctor] all the Winter. My
nevers are weeak [nerves are weak]. Now the fine wedder is in i am alot
Better thank god. We have good Wedder But wark is verry Bad And has
Been for a long time.
Dear sister will you Annser this letter and let me no how you are and
all youar famly. Doos Christopher Keep well. I wonder francess did not
rite to me Before thiss. You no you are happy in life Wit all youar famly
round you. I I am not so Blessd as to call mysellf. Now do not forget to
rite and let me no how you are and all they Children and father.
Silverster and Wife and chldren are all well and sends there love to
and all the famly.
No more at Present from youar
sister Bridget liptrot
Remember me to all they children. I will Be loocking foreward for a letter
from you.
Mrs Bridget liptrot
no 7 Edmund st off Bridge st
little Bolton