Title: | From William Radcliff, Esq., Upper Canada, to |
ID | 4549 |
Collection | Authentic Letters from Upper Canada [Rev. Thomas Radcliff] |
File | radcliff/7 |
Year | 1832 |
Sender | Radcliff, William |
Sender Gender | male |
Sender Occupation | farmer |
Sender Religion | unknown |
Origin | York, Upper Canada |
Destination | Dublin, Ireland |
Recipient | Rev. Thomas Radcliff |
Recipient Gender | male |
Relationship | son-father |
Source | |
Archive | |
Doc. No. | |
Date | |
Partial Date | |
Doc. Type | |
Log | unknown |
Word Count | 1600 |
Genre | family, farming, local economy, neighbours |
Note | |
Transcript | the Rev. Thomas Radcliff, Dublin. York, August, 1832. My dear Father, It was an old rule in raising the militia, that a man must act himself, or find a better,—of which latter privilege, with respect to our correspondence, I have availed myself, in an admirable substitute, who has been as anxious to write to you herself, as to prevent me, as I have really been unable, from my state of health, till within these last three days, to give my attention to any thing but endeavouring at recovery. This, through the skill of my kind friend, physician, and fellow-traveller, Dr. Phillips, has been happily effected; and I now feel something like myself once more. I apprehend that the feverish attacks, to which strangers are liable, on their first arrival, has been increased by the state of the air, which has brought cholera into this quarter in a most destructive form. My ailment tended that way, and alarmed me very much. It has raged dreadfully all round our lodgings. Persons in perfect health, with whom I have dined, have been carried to their graves next morning; and, amongst others, my poor little nieee, greatly regretted by us all, and sadly deplored by her father and mother; who, to preserve the other children, got away from this as fast as possible; but we could not stir. We are all, however, nearly in perfect health, thank God; and next week it is our intention to proceed to the land, to get up my house before the winter sets in. The choice of my lots I left to my brother, not being able to go myself. He has succeeded to admiration, for himself, for me, and for some friends in the same town- I have, for the present, bought four hundred acres for two hundred pounds, land of superior quality, in the Huron track, London district, township Adelaide, named after the Queen, within twenty miles of Lake Huron, and thirty of Lake Erie. As to people of moderate capital, (say from five to eight hundred pounds,) purchasing desirable land any where but in the absolute forest, is out of the question. So that, having been informed by a kind friend, of the prime quality of that we have purchased, and my brother and his companions, who went to view it, having approved of it very much, our lots are all chosen there; and, as far as I can learn, we have every reason to be satisfied. Improved farms have risen to a price that no common capital can compass. Even in our remote district, it is thought that land will be of three-fold value in two or three years. Therefore, if A——r, or any of our friends, decide upon coming out, and wish to be near us, they should write at once, that we may secure the lots in time; for the townships are filled up, almost as fast as they are surveyed. Our divisions adjoin that which is laid out for the town. When that comes to be built, (and it is said it will be completed in three years,) the value of our property will obviously be enhanced. Our fellow-travellers, Phillips and Groom, have settled themselves beside us. The former, as resident physician, has got the grant of a town lot to build on. How lucky to have such a man in the midst of us. All the spare cash I had, I have vested in bank stock, in the bank of Upper Canada. It is a decided fact that this stock pays regularly twelve per cent, and is as safe as in the Bank of England. Government are the holders, as I am informed, of onethird of the entire, and I am well assured that capital may be vested with perfect safety in this fund. No individual is permitted to invest more than one thousand pounds, that many may partake of the advantage The influx of emigrants to our province of Upper Canada has been such, that in the last year the population is said to have increased one-fourth; and in this season, fully as much is expected. This affects the resources of the country in various ways, particularly as to the facility of disposing of farming produce; and also, as to the banking interests, of which I have been speaking. As I am informed, and indeed read in the public prints, that so numerous have been the arrivals of settlers, with considerable capital, that within a year three hundred thousand sovereigns have been deposited in the bank of Upper Canada. My deposit was in gold, and I received four shillings exchange on each sovereign. Bank stock has this year paid sixteen per cent, never less than twelve; the legal interest is but eight; but on the last dividend there was a bonus of eight more, in consequence of the country rising into such rapid prosperity. So that I request you to get our friend and kinsman to call in any money that I can command, and to send it me forthwith. Double interest in Ireland may be a very bad thing; but, being well secured, is quite the reverse here. I can tell you nothing of the country, as I have been shut up for a month in this unhealthy town; where, however, the markets, being nearly on a par with ours, speak well for farming profits, though consumers (as we are now,) may feel the inconvenience. Beef, mutton, and pork .... 5d. per lb. Butter . . . . 11 do. Bread, dearer than at home. In fact, every thing is dear, as the province cannot supply itself, and is obliged to import from the States. The farmers here have no difficulty in finding a market for their corn. For all that we can grow, these ten years to come, we shall have a ready sale at our door. The number of emigrants going up each year will take away all that can be spared at a full price. All the old people say that the country rises more now in one year, than it did before in fifty. Upon the whole, then, I cannot see any risk the prudent and industrious farmer can be subject to, who pays no rent, has plenty to subsist him, with a ready market, and good price for the overplus. Amongst some agreeable acquaintances I have made is Dr. Gwynn, come to settle at York, in the medical department. He was introduced to me by a letter from our worthy friend and relative, S- G-. We have become very intimate; he is an excellent fellow, and accompanied me on a trip to Niagara, from whence we returned yesterday. You will expect some account of that wonder of wonders;—you are doomed to be disappointed;—not so much, however, as if I attempted to describe it. You know my talent don't lie that way. I can enjoy the sublime, but I cannot talk of it. Better observe a solemn silence. It appears to me, to be that which the magic scene itself would dictate; and I am strongly disposed to vindicate Mrs. Bogle Corbet, in having chosen the retirement of her bed-chamber, to view this tremendous rush of waters, uninterrupted even by the scientific remarks of her husband, whose good taste would have done ample justice to the astounding subject. As to my companion and myself, we resolved neither to speak or write about it, farther than to recommend it to all, whom it may concern, to come and view for themselves, that of which no adequate idea can possibly be formed, from the ablest description. Before I left home, I read many accounts of those surprising falls, which miserable attempts, compared with the great reality, afford no pleasurable recollection. Martin Doyle's was short, and had some spirit in it; and in your own Encyclopedia, there was an accurate statement of heights and distances, of rocks, and foam, and spray, and all seemingly very well done. But no pen can delineate, that which I again repeat, must be seen, to be conceived. I understand that upon the very spot we traversed at the Falls, a handsome city is about to arise, which some think from the precedence and perfection of the town at Chippewa, will be a dangerous speculation. I hope this will not be the case, as we learn that J. R-'s near connection is a chief sharer and proprietor. There appears to be every necessary attraction, and I sincerely hope for our cousin's sake it may succeed. He means, as we hear, to reside there, and will, from his habits, naturally prefer the mixed society of a lively town, to the sound of the axe in the forest, in which we shall find our enjoyment. We have, so far, suffered great hardships on our voyage —also from bad health—and look forward to much trouble and inconvenience in forming a settlement on our land, but should be delighted and content, if we had all our people with us. When separated, even for the short time that we have been, a horrible feeling obtrudes on the mind, at having left, perhaps, for ever, (with whatsoever motives of prudence or of wisdom,) our nearest and dearest relations; and this feeling alone (the sole drawback on the objects we have in view,) makes us, often, almost lament the step that we have taken. With kindest love to those very friends, whose absence we so much feel, Believe me, my dear Father, Always, your affectionate Son, W.R. |