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Title: Stewart, Frances to Beaufort, Harriet, 1810
CollectionRevisiting Our Forest Home, The immigrant letters of Frances Stewart [J. L. Aoki]
SenderStewart, Frances
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
OriginAllenstown, Co. Meath, Ireland
DestinationEdgeworthstown, Ireland
RecipientBeaufort, Harriet
Recipient Genderfemale
Relationshipfriends (ex-pupil - ex-governess)
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count772
Genrefamily life
Transcript[1810]: May 16
To Harriet Beaufort, Edgeworthstown, Ireland

[an exercise of poetry preceded the letter proper]

My dearest Harriet — As you desired me I wrote a little exercise to you
but I think it foolish to write them in my letters because when you come
home you will see every one that I write while you are away and therefore
I think it foolish to fill up my paper with them. I was going to write
to you last Friday but Bess said she wanted to write about business to you
so now you see I have got a large sheet as you desired. I believe that when
you desired me to buy Si: Di: you forgot that Anne Nangle has them all.
So I have read the first con: on Gal: I myself tryed the experiment of putting a piece of lead under my tongue & a piece of silver over it & I
perceived the change oftaste immediately and very strongly..,.
Bess says she will buy the Ed: Review. She says also that she has a
mind not to subscribe to it any more but to buy the numbers here for the
expense is exactly the same. What do you think of this? Do you never
walk in the evening? I have slept for these four days till past eight, but I assure you I try to be industrious & I am always down at the first bell as you desired me. When I get up I read my chapter (I am now in the 2d
book of Samuel) then 1 dress quick, & as I never have fire you may suppose
I am cold. So when I have written some Geo: I come down & read
Plut: or Gal: or Spu: till the first bell rings & then I cut the bread & butter & after breakfast I practice as usual. When that is done I write & read & walk & eat & work & dress till dinner after which I water the Garden
& walk & tea & play & bed or supper sometimes. Now you desired me
in your last letter to Bess not to increase my practising but you know
you told me your self that I might play half an hour longer. In general
I play two hours & a half but one day when I was particularly anxious I
did three, but only one day. Mr. Warren says I am improving. My Aunt
made me play for [Dean] [William] Allot yesterday. He said I played very
well & he came again to hear me but I was out. Warren asked me today
whether I had played for him & when he heard I had he said he would
ask him his real opinion of me. So I know I shall never have the satisfaction of knowing his real opinion for I think Mr. W. won't tell me. We have bought a nice good Piano forte from him & sent off the old one. Poor Mrs. Waller has, or rather is, sending me over two fine Lessons by Mr. Wm Waller. We are to go to Christ Church next Sunday again for the second
time since you went. Poor Mr. Jager has been extremely ill so dear little
Robinson supplied his place wonderfully last Sunday. I understood every
word quite easily & liked it very much & heard an excellent sermon from
Dean Allot. Do you know that there are a great many sweet peas up in our
Garden & a great deal of Mignonette & the Siberian Larkspur has a bunch
of buds. Bess says she asked two or three book sellers about the books &
they all said they could do nothing or say nothing till they saw them....
I don't see any one, not even shop girls, wearing spencers so you
know I have a piece of blue calico quite new & nice & it would make me a very nice [ ] covered with a bit of muslin. A quarter of a yard of spotted
muslin would do very well & would not cost more than two yards of
cambric muslin for a spencer would do. Bess & I agreed this would be
better than a white spencer but nothing was to be done without asking
you. Answer this very soon. I have not a particle of cold & I always wear
my Velvet spencer. Good bye. Your own dear child, Fanny.
Write very soon.
Dinner is on the table so forgive scribble & the bad direction.
Bess wants to know what she is to do with Miss Quinns Handkerchief.