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Title: Stewart, Frances to Waller, Maria, 1860
CollectionRevisiting Our Forest Home, The immigrant letters of Frances Stewart [J. L. Aoki]
SenderStewart, Frances
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationhousewife
Sender Religionunknown
RecipientWaller, Maria
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count309
Genrenews, family
Transcript[1860: August]
To Aunt [ ], Ireland

How very kind you had been my own dear Aunt to write me such a delightful
letter which made me truly happy giving such pleasant accounts of
yourself & my other dear friends & relations & telling me so much about
dear Charles & Charlotte who I am sincerely happy to find you like so
much. I am sure if one quarter of what I have heard of her from all sides
is true she will indeed be a blessing & comfort to me & to all her connexions.
It is most amazing to me how Charlie contrived to gain her affections
so soon & so completely. But he has been equally fortunate in all he
has undertaken for he has now got Auburn, a very pretty place & a very
excellent house & a fine valuable property without the smallest trouble or
difficulty on his part. I have had the whole house painted & papered & I
think it will look "first rate" for them when they come.
Oh may they be preserved in the dangers of the voyage and may we
all meet at my own dear Auburn in safety & thankfulness next week.
I shall look out for them about Thursday next the 25th. They might
come sooner. I can't help feeling anxious but I know they are under the
care of Him who holds our lives in His hands & knows the time & the
way to call us hence. Many are preserved in apparent danger & taken at
an unlocked for moment. All are in His hands & we know His Power
& His Mercy & His Love which is boundless. Oh may I in this trial &
all others place all I hold most dear in His care who is our best Father
Guardian & Protector.