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Title: R. Campbell, U.S.A. to W. J. C. Allen, Belfast.
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileCampbell, Robert/43
SenderCampbell, Robert
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationmerchant
Sender Religionunknown
OriginAugusta, Georgia, USA
DestinationBelfast, N.Ireland
RecipientCampbell Allen, William J.
Recipient Gendermale
Relationshipfriends, business
SourceD 1558/1/1/277: Papers of William John Campbell Allen Deposited by F. D. Campbell Allen.
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, N. Ireland.
Doc. No.9801329
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLET
LogDocument added by LT, 12:01:98.
Word Count431
TranscriptAugusta Geoga [Georgia?]
20th August, 1864
W. J. C. Allen Esq
Ulster Bank Belfast Ireland

My Dear Sir
My last in relation to your
and his affairs was addressed to your cousin Wm. [William?]
Campbell on the 5th of April last. On the 9th of that month I
extended the insurance (altogether in the Auga [Augusta?] Ins &
Bkg [Insurance and Banking?] Co. in a new policy #5190) on the
Bales of Cotton in Harper Brysons Warehouse, to the 15th
November next, paying $200.77/100 premium - The Bank of
Augusta postponed its May dividend until the 19th of July ulto
[ultimo?] when it declared Five dollars p [per?] Share. On the
25th of that month I received that dividend on your 120 shares
= $600 and upon Wm. [William?] Campbells 42 shares = $210.00
The Geo
[Georgia?] R. Road & Bg Co [Railroad and Banking Co.?] did not
make any dividend at the usual time - and is not expected to
make any - Both Banks are to meet the Confederate Tax on their
Stocks which is heavy. Your Uncle James Campbells Dividend is
still in the Bank of Augusta, for want of power to draw it -
On the 1st Sept. last the warehouses here advanced the
storage of Cotton from 25 to 50 cents p [per?] Bale p [per?]
month - and on the 1st of April from 50 to 100 cents - on
account of the depreciation of the currency. After the 5th
of April Cotton advanced to 100 c [cents?] c [to?] 125 c
[cents?] p [per?] lb. The last quoted prices were 100 c[to?]
120 c [cents?] But a recent demand by Blockaders
induces me to think that 125 could be obtained for best quality
- Provisions of all kinds are high. Wheat Flour 200 c [to?]
250$ p[per?] Brrl [Barrel?] of 196 lbs.
Corn 12c[to?] 14$ p [per?] Bushel Rice 40 c [to?] 45 c
[cents?] p [per?] lb. Bacon 3.50
c [to?] 4.50 p [per?] lb. Irish Potatoes 1$ p [per?] quart Tea
30 c [to?] 40 $ p [per?] lb. Brown sugar 7$ p [per?] lb.
Butter has fallen from 10 to 5c 6$ p [per?] lb. I hear of no
sales of our bank Stocks. Persons whose incomes have been
fixed are now suffering very much. Our City population is
estimated at 35c [to?] 40.000. House and store rents have
advanced greatly. Dwellings last year worth 500$ now rent
for 5 c [to?] 6.000 $ p [per?] [--m] [Annum?] I abstain from
writing of public affairs. You will learn from the papers
more than I could tell you. Please give me a statement of
my account with you. [I am?] Truly

R. [Robert?] Campbell