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Title: Cunningham, Waddell to Louttit, James, 1756
CollectionLetterbook of Greg & Cunningham, 1756-1757 [T. Truxes]
SenderCunningham, Waddell
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationmerchant
Sender Religionunknown
OriginNYC, USA
DestinationSassafras River, Maryland, USA
RecipientLouttit, James
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count348
TranscriptTo James Louttit, Sassafras River in Maryland, 9 December 1756


We have the pleasure of your very agreeable favour of the 6th Instant
from Philadelphia.
We are yet uncertain how the Crop was saved in Ireland, as soon as
we know you shall be advised, & if there is any demand, we shall at least
have one Cargoe of Wheat loaded with you.
Some People reported here the Owners of the Ship Sharpe are very
bad Men & that they had a large sum underwrote on her in Philadelphia
which makes many people suspect a Fraud is intended. We meerly
obtained the Insurance ordered by the Distinctness of your Letter & our
adding £100 to each Policy, which made our Brothers in that trade so
fond of it that we were obliged to cut ourselves short £100. We had
signed for to oblige Friends, which indeed we were full as content to
want. We had A long dispute with the underwriters about the averige
loss, but no one would touch the Policy without that was laid aside which
we were obliged to agree to. We have debitted you for cost of Insuring
£850 [at] £8.10.9.
Since you left this, we have made all possible enquiry about proper
stores to put your Wheat in, as we are affraid we shant be able to
prevail with the Millers to take it as we proposed, & we have not the
least prospect to sell it, the price being but 4/6 per Bushel for the best
Wheat. We are sorry to inform you our Stores are Scarce & very unfitt for
Grain. We shall have the best (hats to be got for yours & leave nothing
undone that appears to us for your Interest.
We sent you by Captain Mossy Schooner Six Firkens of Irish Butter,
amounting to £12.14.9. The account you’l receive by the Vessel.
We hope you'l receive this at home, after an agreeable journey & meeting
your Family well. We expect lo have aful answer to the Scheme. G&C

P.S. Doctor Thompson3 desires to be rememberd to you.