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Title: Cunningham, Waddell to Hyde & Hamilton, 1757
CollectionLetterbook of Greg & Cunningham, 1756-1757 [T. Truxes]
SenderCunningham, Waddell
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationmerchant
Sender Religionunknown
OriginNYC, USA
DestinationManchester, England
RecipientHyde & Hamilton
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count280
TranscriptTo Hyde & Hamilton, Manchester 10 January 1757


We wrote you the 24th November to which please be refered.
We have now to enclose you Invoice & Bill of Lading for Forty Nine
(ales of Cotton shiped by different Vessels. The whole amounts
.1471.12.11 is Sterling, at 80 per Cent exchange, £817.11.7 to your debit,
which please to note. We have an account by a Vessel arrived here of a
Prize she has taken with a very large quantity of French Indigoe in.
She is hourly expected, & if we cant execute your order for it out of her, shall remmitt the balance of the first parcel of goods. The present price is 7s to 8s/6 per Pound & Logwood £12 per ton.
We intended to Ship all the Cotton by Captain Cunningham, but he
could not take it in. The Freight we have charged is what we could
have had from other People for it, & by meer accident got Captain
Creathorn to take it in cheaper. Captain Cunningham will Sail in three
days, & Captain Creathorn about the 25th Instant.
Your Cotton is of the very best French. We took particular care in
choosing it. Pray write Messrs. Haliday & Dunbar to have the Bales well
mended before they forward them, as some of them are bad.
Inclosed you have Sales of your Handkerchiefs, which is brought
to your credit £40.8.9 by WC, he keeping you accountable for the
Outstanding Debts on them.
As soon as possible, he will remmit you the balance of your account.
Your Stays wont sell. Pray what shall we do with them. G&C

per Capt. Falls
per Capt. McCalmont
per Capt. Cunningham