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Title: 14. From James Prendergast to his son Thomas
CollectionThe Prendergast Letters. Correspondence from Famine-era Ireland (1840-50) [S. Barber]
SenderPrendergast, James
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationfarmer
Sender Religionunknown
OriginMilltown, Co. Kerry, Ireland
DestinationBoston, Mass., USA
RecipientPrendergast, Thomas
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count457
Genrefamily, neighbours, politics
TranscriptMr Cornelius Riordan
No 22 Atkinson Street
Boston Mass


Milltown December the 3rd 1843

My Dear Thomas, I received your letter of the 14th November
on Sunday morning the 3rd Inst which I write you this
Immediately but I received not papers as yet ^nor Father Batt^ if we dont
hereafter, but the former papers you sent Father Batt.
I had written you a letter in answer to Jeffeorys letter
on the 14th of October last together with a paper of our
Receipt of his check of £5..os.od stg. I find no
difficulty in Tralee in Cashing your checks. I only
send it into the Tralee Bank and in nine days I get
the full amount. Now Dear Thomas we felt the greatest
pleasure Immaginable of hearing that ye were all in as
perfect health as this leaves me your affectionate mother
Brothers and families at present thanks be to providence.
Your Brother Maurice is still in Glenflesk but in no
situation as yet. Dan1 Riordan is very well and in the
same situation and is very comfortably clad. The
friends and neighbours are all well. The last letter sent
you of the 14th October last contained many important
new which I expect you will receive the same letter before
this. I received Jeffeory's draft of the 15th September last.
From your affectionate mother who begs of you to let her know in your next letter what Judy is doing and is
she in perfect health and also Cors Riordan in good health.
No more at present from your affectionate Father
and mother and Brothers who join with me in love and friendship
for Cors Riordan Judy Riordan Jeffeory and Thomas Prendergast
until death, Sec.
James Prendergast

N.B Danl OConnell the Liberator was on his trial in
Dublin this time past for treason against the government
(ie) for holding repeal meetings for enticting the people
at those meetings and for introducing arbitration Courts
in Ireland and also for collecting money at home and from
foreign Lands called America they say for the dismember
=ment of the Empire but, they are hers. Danl means no
such thing. He means equal laws eql justice and equal Right
to Ireland together with some means of support for the
poor of all Ireland. He has beaten them upon their clauses.
The Trial was adjourned until the 15th of January next
which it is supposed will never be called.
There is a great tribute making up for the Liberator
now thro Ireland. It is computed to be about £40,000 stg.
From Patk D Mahoney I hope you will remember me
to my cousin Patt Moynihan and family and give them
my blessing.