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Title: Greeves, Thomas to O'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne, 1818
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderGreeves, Thomas
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationlinen trader
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginGrange, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, N.Ireland
RecipientO'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count905
Genrefamily news, crops, friends, upcoming weddings
TranscriptGrange, fourth day the 3rd of 8th mo 1818

My dear Sister
As I understand a vessel (I believe the Lucy) is about to sail for the United States, I write thee a few lines & send
them by J. G. Greeves who is going down to Belfast this evening- altho I have little news to communicate.
When I parted with you on first day night [Sunday July 31], I went with JGG & had a supper of oysters in Bolton St [Dublin] and talked over a great many old things, in which you had a place. I intended to have spoken to Rebecca & have matters cleared up with regard to any misunderstanding, but Elizabeth would not let me: she
had pulled in her horns (Elzh) said a little, & she was sorry for the manner Win & her had parted & hoped & wished them to be on good terms with her when they went to Corn Market.
I had a letter from Mary [O'Brien] last seventh day in which she thinks it doubtful whether she will be down
for the Qr [Quarterly] meeting owing to their doing so much business. Dan is in Dublin this week again buying
goods- but when she comes she does not expect to bring Anna: she is getting teeth.
I received Wins note on second day evening [Monday 1 August] from on board the Hibernia at 4 oclock that
morning. It was really gratifying & I let the Catlow folks know of it. JGG brought Martha McMeakin down &
she is here these few days. He is going to take young Robert with him as an apprentice- there is also a Carpenter
of the name of Hall who has been working at the meeting House going also.
Aunt Debby has not got married yet, but its all fixed that its to be so: the only thing that is stopping it now,
is that Uncle & she has not got their accts finally settled. George [Joyce] is to settle all her own property on her.
I was over there on first day week: they were well & Uncle Samuel was here last first day.
John is coming on pretty well at the Groceries & I trust it will succeed. Father is very well. Mother has some
slight attacks, but is full as well as when I saw thee. I think her spirits are better now that you are gone. We have
been anxiously watching the wind ever since & find [it] this last week for the most part westerly, which is against
you. If it's the Lucy that has to go from Belfast yet, its well you did not go in her, as she is delayed so long. I dont
know whether JGG will be back here before he returns [to New Orleans].
The crops of oats, it seems will be but light, & meal has risen a little in consequence; the potato: crop offers well,
if the frost does not come on. All the rest of thy relations are well except Aunt Molly who has been very poorly
with a cough these 2 or 3 weeks: she is at present better. Alice de Costir has got a son - Francis James - she is quite
proud of it. As I write this at J Wms desk, I am not so collected as to be able to give all the information I wd wish.
A great number daily is enquiring after thee & wishing you a pleasant sail. Trade better than usual this time of
yeat. I hear Abraham Bell has taken Jno Nicholson apprentice. Jane Nicholson has been very poorly at Becchgrove with something of inflammation: I believe she is now out of danger. In Marys letter she says Ben
Thompson has at last shown what he is, & has refused to leave it to the decision of two friends but will have it
now to three lawers- if its kept as long on hands as Thos Boardmans affair it's hard to tell when it will be ended.
But sure Hanah Christy is going to be married shortly, for certain I hear to Rheubon Harvey her own full
cousin. It seems its an attachment of nine years & altho Jas Christy & the young mans parents has done all they
could to prevent it, its all in vain. He is not in membership [of the Society of Friends], but goes to church- it seems
an unnatural alliance. We expect the quarterly meeting will be large.
There is some talk of Wm Boardman going to be married bur dont know who it's too. He has got a small two
story house beside the Creen. We will be anxiously waiting to hear of your safe arrival & hope you will nor delay
writing a single day. If I can get an opportunity, I intend writing thee in 3 or 4 weeks when perhaps I will have
more news, & am with love to William

thy affectionate Brother

I have just had a letter from Mary saying she will be here tomorrow. I forgot to mention I went down to the quay
the morning after you sailed & of course could see no sight of you & was told you had got to sea with a very good
breeze & the wind was blowing very fair for your going up the channell.

John Wright
Philadelphia America
For Anne O'Brien