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Title: Greeves, Susanna to O'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne, 1819
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderGreeves, Susanna
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationshop keeper
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginDungannon, Co. Tyrone, N.Ireland
DestinationPhiladelphia, Penn., USA
RecipientO'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count3129
Genremail, family news, friends, weddings, decease
TranscriptDungannon 10 month 29 1819

My dear Sister
It is nearly three months since we had a letter from thee. We have been on the look out these several weeks but
none has come to hand yet. We surely expected one by a ship that landed in Belfast two or three days ago. I think
there has been several ships of late come to Derry, which I think you might have written by. I am sure the postage
from that is very little and thee knows that is no object to us, as thee might know how much we do be disappointed
when we do not hear from you. It is now full time I should be getting a letter from thee, as I think thee is indebted
to me two or three, thee never wrote to me yet. I wish thee would write and tell me all the news about thy little
Daughter. I suppose she can nearly walk now-Jane and I was in seeing Misses [Mrs] de Costir to night, who had
a son yesterday: this is the second. Mr D was asking when we had a letter from thee. He also asks for thee and also
his wife. Indeed their eldest child is a very fine, pretty boy, and to be sure they think no sheeps shank of him.
The time we received thy letter, my Mother was in Carlow with Mary who has got a son whom she calls George
for G Taylor. She came home two weeks before the meeting and brought Wm Simons wife [Anna) with her, also
our dear cousin Margaret Sin ton. Anna only staid a week after the meeting. She went home by Moyallon and M
and Sister Jane went that far with her. I would have gone, only Brother Dan came down and went to Belfast and
Thomas had to go with him: so poor me was verry much disappointed, for Jane and I put off going all summer
Until Margt. would come down. Indeed they were all sorry I could not get. If it had been another that disappointed
me I would not have taken it so well; but on the other hand I was glad m see Dan. I think he looks fatter than the
last time I seen him. Margaret staid with us 4 weeks after Anna. She seemed to enjoy her self verry much. I had
no notion that she would have liked to come, thinking that she would not like Jane and I as well as if thee was
here, but she says that she knew us as well as thee. I never seen any person as loving: she did not like to go any
place without Jane or I with her, but sais she would rather just stay with us. She staid with me two weeks to assist
me when Thomas went to Dublin: that was after the meeting.
Rebecca Webb was down at the M[eeting]. She lodged at Johny Shaws; she also went home by Moyallon. Betsy
Bale and het step daughter were also over here (that is Wm Garrens sister) Betsy Barrington, who came a few
weeks before it to be with Sarah Pike, who also has got a son who she calls William for William Pike. It is just the
age of Marys.
There has been a young woman at my Uncle Billys these two months, grand niece to Aunt Betty. Thee might
recollect her here this time three years. Her name is Jane Mulholan [Mulholland]. She is a sweet good girl. She
was oftain in. She is to go home on second day. She was in today and Anne Murray. My Uncle came in the evening
for them. She liked to be with Jane and I, for at Grange she had no companions, only old people. She was at
Milton with M and J and I who spent a day there - Maria Malcomson was there: she was not verry fine fun-or I never was there before. I was a little disappointed in it. I thought there were more planting about it but I think
the house is rather an off shape, but neat and clean inside. I like Betty [Greer] very much: she was verry pleasant.
I thought we dare not smile bur indeed we laughed a good deal, but there were no biting of nails. We give Mary
Sintons love to Mr Lowry. still. When thee writes, send thy love to him.
Aunt Alice [Midkiff] came to see M before she went home. She looks thin, thiner than ever I seen her.
We drank tea a few evenings before M left us, at J Shaws, and I muse tell thee the funny Ride we had. There was
some thing rong with the car when we went to go, so had to get the cart. There was no less than seven in it besides
the boy driving, and if we had not a merry ride its a wonder: we were packed as tight Together as ever we could
sit. But I must tell thee who the seven were: Aunt Alice, Mother. Margt, Jane, little Alice. William and I. We spent
the evening before at Uncle Billys. That was first day evening. My Uncle Sam was there & indeed I forgot we dined
there: to be sure my Uncle kept us laughing the most of the evening.
There is a young woman at Jonathon Hoggs who lives in London. She is sisters daughter of J H: her name is
Mary Culmore [Cullimore]. I understand she is come as governess to Jane and Lyabelia [Isabella?] and the rest
of the young girls. Her father faild some time ago: he was verry Rich but is now poor enough I suppose. She is
not at all handsome bur free and pleasant. I spent one evening in her company at J H with M.S. [Margaret Sinton]
Anna Hogg [Jonathan's wife] has been at the salt water these five weeks. She had some of the children with her,
also this young woman.
I do not know whether Thirza Heaton was married when Jane wrote thee but I must tell thee she is married
to Tommy Jackson, Willm Sin tons wife['s] Brother. They have got into a house of their own and has ... I believe
they are doing verry well considering the times. I seen Lucy Locke and J[ane] Bullack on first day night last. They
are well. Janes Mother lives with her now; poor woman, it is a pity of her. I suppose she will never go back to live
with her husband again. He is a queer man. The reason why they are parted is that he is jealous of her. The nasty
man, if he had any ... I am sure he would not do it. Jane goes to Lurgan where she gives ... She looks a great deal
fatter and better than when thee was home. I think Lucy is the old cut.
There is some talk of Jane Maxwell and John King going to be married. He was an old spark of Lucys. Jane
McConnell other wise Corronin [Conran?] has a daughter. She calls it Mary for her sister. I understand she lives
verry well. They live next Coal Island. Molly goes to see them now: she did not at first for she was not satisfied at
Jane for taking John. Indeed I think they are well matched. Young Susan Douglass is living in Tanderagee with a
Miss Courtney who keeps a millinery shop. I do not know wheather she likes it or not for they had not a letter
from her since she went and it is now a month. I hope, poor thing, she may answer. Susy [Douglas] continues the
old way. They still live in the same place. They have got annother bay to the house and plastered and whitewashed
inside and outside which makes it look a great deal better. Thomas Heazelton has made some alterations in his
house this summer but will finish it next summer. Mary [Heazleton, née Douglas] is in the family way again. She
has the look of a married woman in earnest - Thomas and she lives very agreeable.
Eliza Shaw is in Dublin these two or three months. Her mother went up a few weeks since and she is to be down
with her. As she always desires me give her dear love to thee, I do it now. She is an affectionate girl: I like her very much although she is not the handsomest of Girls. Perhaps Dublin will be an improvement to her: she was there
before the meeting - Thomas seen her at it.
Ginny McCan still lives with us. She desires her love to thee twenty times. Poor Ginny, she is a real drug
[drudge], as I may call her. We have had a boy these three quarters of a year. He is leaving us now and we are
getting Ned Tolly, Brother to John that lives at Berna. Brother John went to Belfast this morning and expects to
be home on first day night. Thomas was there last week. Trade here is not verry good but trade in Carlow with
Dan is Verry good. Poor Dan, I am sure I am glad it is so good. He has been down in Belfast twice in two months;
he did not come here the last but just from Dublin, but it is likely the next time he will. It is after one oclock and
is time to get to bed; and if the carman that takes this to Belfast does not go untill evening, as it is morning now,
perhaps I will find something else to say. Jane is snoaring here beside me. I must give her a shake when I go in to bed. I am sitting in John room writing but I have a fire. I am veny bad with chilblains on my feet and Hands and
will through the winter. Adieu tonight, adieu.

Seventh day morning eight oclock
I have just got the shop opened. It is a fine morning, but cold. My hands will pay for it, for when there is any frost
they do be worse.
William Heather is in Dublin: indeed I believe Anne would not care how long he would stay. She has a poor
life of it with him. He will not allow her to see any company nor go any place, but when he is away she does have
company - for that is the only time she can, and no wonder she would. She is in the family way and he is mad
about that: he says a large family and little to support them. I am sure the poorest man in town would not say that.
We only drank tea there once since they came to town, and before we came he went to bed. I am sure that was a
shame for him, after the trouble we had with him. It hurt poor Anne very much and no wonder. It is wonderful
how she keeps up her spirits: only for him, we would like to visit with her, but for my part I can not find unity
with him.
Maxwell [McEvoy] is not married yet — he is the old thing, still verry funny. I drank tea in his company this
summer at Jane Bullocks and his Aunt Jane was there. Lucy and Jane was rhere the evening following and our family
was asked also, so I could not get, for Thos. was getting in his hay. I would like to have gone verry well. Thomas
is going to poor Jemmy Beavens funeral: he told me he mentions his death, so need not say any more about him.
Misses Barclay, niece to the Miss Creams [the Misses Gresham?], has got a son. It is the age of sister Marys: it is a great joy to them it lived, for thee might recollect that she never has any before but one, and it died. She and Mr
Barclay live up the Castle Hill.
We have got Miss [Emily] Evans married at last to a Captain Keswin. I believe she will live here with her father
and he also. The Nicholsons are all well: they are all at home but Anna who is at her Uncle Cliborns. He is not
expected to live many days, with the Gravel. There has been several letters from Mary Dickson since she was
married. She wrote for Helen to go over to her but if she goes she will hardly go these two years (that is a long
look forward). Jane and [I] drank tea at the Dr once or twice last win re r and are some of these evenings. Anne is
very free and pleasant: she has not got married yet. I think she could go our and nor Helen. Miss Sinklair and Mary
Anne does be asking for thee. Jane and I beached a good deal rhis summer and some times they came with us.
We would be up at 5 oclock and we went to Johny Dawsons fish ponds if was verry pleasant. Jinny always came
with us and we were back in time for her to go to work. We have got the drawing room papered and it looks verry
well, also a new door painted a mahogany colour. If thee would see the shop, how snug it is now: it is twelve
months since it was altered. We will soon have fire in the stove, which I hope will be of use to my hands.
J. Talent that lived at L.[Lord] Northlands lives in Tom Gribles old house. He has the stamp office now and
Billy McEvoy is removed to Jack Gribbons old house: he keeps the same kind of business as he did. ... [Harrier],
second daughter of Edmund Knoxes is married to Colonel Ross's son of Rossrrevor. She had a grand wedding.
It was Ball married them: he came from Armagh as he lives there, and there is a young man who officiates for him
here - he name is Boran: he seems a steady nice man. He is not married, he lives where Mr. Bale did live.
Sarah Pikes children had all the hooping cough: it has been verry prevalent here and several children died of it.
Mary McQuade otherwise McBride eldest son, a fine boy, died of it and several others. Mary Miller is married to
a young man, his name is Simkins: now Jo Miller has not a daughter to marry. She was married about 8th month,
she lives in her fathers yet. Billy Carson does be asking for thee. He says if thee was here he would give sometimes
an hours tuition. William goes to school to a master in town, his name is Alexander, He is learning Grammar,
Geography, writing, speling and counting. Ginny desires me tell thee that Pat Hughes [a baker, Market Street] does
he asking for thee. Mary Courtney is living with our cousin Atkinson in Brookfield. He lives where Samuel King did live. I call him cousin for he is a distant relation of ours. Sam King lives in town and carry: on the chan[d]ling
business. Henery Kings widow is married again to a man of the name of Cross. I think she soon forgot him.
Her father is quite satisfied it is so best. Dree Hill family [the Shaws] desires their love to thee, also Uncle Billy
family. Old Nanny Greer is still living, she desires me give her Blessing to thee and family. Jane Davison is not
married yet. It is three weeks yesterday since Margaret went home: we fel: verry lonely after her. Magi & Mary McEvoy is gone to England Co see their Brother: I do not know how long they intend to stay. Canning [the printer]
is dead. He died in consequence of a needle he got in his foot two or three months since. It came out in pieces
and I believe it turned a mortification: however, poor man, it proved fatal to him. I wrote Marge a long letter
this day two weeks which she has not answered yet. They are getting on as well as could be expected. I wonder
verry much she did not write to me by the carman who brought mine to her.
Betty Grimes is in at present: she is getting tea and sugar for tomorrow night, as it is Holy eve. She desires her
love to thee and she says if thee lived near her she would go and live with thee. She is not living any place, now
she has left Edward Shaws of Castle Caufield. She was about living with Mary Garratt but I do not know
whether or not yet, for she wrote to some person to get a girl for her. So if she has not got any, I suppose she will
take Betty. Our New L Northland has been here the most of the summer. He has made verry little alterations on
the town - I think he is as close fisted as his Father. William Dickson was just in: he is rhe old thing, james is quite
a young man, Helen is growing verry- tall and she knows it as well. Sally I think is much the old thing, she rather
delicate. She all ways desires me to give her love to thee when I would be writing.
This is a beautiful night: the moon is shining Bright which enlivens the town verry much. I am here in Johns
shop helping Jane as John is away. We were not verry busy but I suppose we get neighbours [share]. I just hear that
Old Charly McShane is dead, that William was at school with. Hannah Wicklow lives with Sarah Pike housemaid.
Aunt desires her dear love to William and thee: she is gone to Berna this evening. Thomas had a letter from cousin
John G. Greeves: he was well but he says trade there was verry dull indeed. I believe the people in America is as
bad as the people in poor old Ireland. Elen Lowery lives with Jemmy Mullon: I wish she had some good place to
go. Thee sent thy love to poor old Berry in Janes letter: she was buried about a week before. When I told Elen she
cried. Poor Berry, she loved thee well and would often be talking about thee. My Mother misses her verry much
- she died when she was in Carlow. I suppose thee will hardly get this read but thee must excuse ... With dear
love to William which Janes joyns me in, I remain

thy affection sister

John Morton
Philadelphia America
For Anne OBrien