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Title: Sinton, Joseph to O'Brien, William, 1819
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderSinton, Joseph
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationmerchant
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginWilkesbarre, near Philadelphia, Penn., USA
DestinationCattaragus, NY, USA
RecipientO'Brien, William
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count355
TranscriptWilkesbarre, May 30, 1820

Dear William,
I enclose a letter from the Sod which came by last night's mail - same time received one from Sydney Tracey
which announced thy arrival at Cattaragus. Thine dated Buffalo only arrived the mail previous to his. I am very
lonely, Jacob and Polly having left on this day week, since which we have had much wet weather and so cold I have
had a fire in the den several days. The two coy sisters came home on the 6th day last - the bride remains with
mamma and it is supposed does not intend returning - what a lesson for young men! I hope I shan't forget it for
a while, nor poke my head into such a halter soon.
I find the advantage of our handsome garden: several ladies have come to see it. But for that I should not have seen
any of the sex on the premises, I presume. Oh, stop, I forget three or four have promised to take tea with me -
this will probably happen some dull wet day when they cannot go anywhere else. I have not heard from Capt.
Coffin yet, but live in hope. I long to hear how you all like the place, I often visit you all in idea. I have had a visit
from Joel McDonnell, brother of Sam. Ann knew her - he was employed at Wilmington in a factory which
stopped. He ,s looking for work and gives a poor account of his class of people for want of work I am glad thy
health is better - may it continue so - I long to hear from all of you when you have time to look about and get
fixed a little. I am up to the elbows in 'Church History', having got the loan of six volumes. By the time I get
through with the squabbles of'the fathers' and the decisions of popes and councils, I hope our people will be
home again. Give my love to all the folks and accept for thyself and Ann a larger share from
Uncle Jo