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Title: Greeves, Thomas to O'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne, 1821
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderGreeves, Thomas
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationlinen trader
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginDungannon, Co. Tyrone, N.Ireland
DestinationSmithsville, Niagara Co., NY, USA
RecipientO'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count1671
Genresending money, correspondence, his mother's illness, sending newspapers, local economy, family news
TranscriptDungannon 7th month 31 1821

My dear Brother and Sister,
Enclosed I send you our Uncle Saml Simons draft on Abraham Bell at 21 days sight for Twenty Pounds, Irish,
which is a gift from your Father, John, and your Brothers Danl. O'Brien and Thomas & John Greeves, which was
divided thus: your Father and John gave one third, Danl. one third and I one third, which we wish you to lay out
to the best advantage. As the sum is so small we are aware it would not purchase much land, otherwise we would
incline it to be laid out in this way, so as to be of lasting use, but to your better judgment and experience we leave
it, convinced from the very great scarscity of money with you, that you will know best how to turn it to the best
Danl. has not yet received the money from Benjamin Thompson: nor does he know when he may, or we would
not have sent his, untill it would also have been a-sending; however he is not without hopes to getting it, as he
B.T. has paid Wm O'Brien and one or two others their part: but I believe his circumstances is very middling.
I think the last letter we have to acknowledge from you is one written partly in 3rd month, at that time you
... Jacob Taylors land, and I hope your new residence is more agreeable. Indeed I'm inclined to think we have
received all the letters you have written up to that date, which I need scarcely say was very acceptable and only for
the expence they (in a great measure) unavoidably put you to, we would be glad to hear oftener. But never do be
long without writing us, for altho' many miles divide us we have your welfare at heart and often talks of you.
It is very pleasant to hear that you and your dear little children enjoy such good health, which, truly, is a blessing
which few bur those who experience the contrary know how to prize. I trust it may continue. As Susannah and
Mary Sinton intend writing on this sheet (which I expect you will not call small) I leave them to tell you of the
little domestic occurrences in their circle, which I know they are fully equal to. Indeed Susannah is clearer and I
may frankly tell thee, my Dear Sister, she is of more use to me than ever Mary or thee was, but however I don't
mean by this, but to acknowledge your merit, or throw any disparagement on your abilities.
1 wrote thee on the 10th of last 5th month by the Globe from Dublin to New York ... but did not sail until
the 10th of last month. In that I think I gave the whole history of the Bernagh and Armagh people, however least
it may not reach you I may mention it again. Thou knows already that John and Jane having gone to Armagh to
live, but business having offered better there than we expected, it was found that they were not able for it and mind
the domestic concerns of the House: add to this their extreme youth, and separated so far from the protection or
oversight of the Society or any of its members; and John being so close confined could not get out to take the air,
which from the delicate state of his constitution required it, these were the motives on the one hand which
required Father and Mother to remove to Armagh, where they have been since about 3rd month. On the other
hand, Father and Mother were lonely not having even Wm. with them for company. Besides they thought it was
a useless expenditure of money, keeping up so unprofitable an establishment for them, where they were and ...
wanted in Armagh and both is of great use. I think Mother gets her health much better since she went and looks
fat and well, and when she attends to taking het medicine regular, seldom has a turn of her old stomach complaint.
But what is cause of more uneasiness is her tongue, from a hard gathering which is formed on it, it gathered and
broke once or twice, which I think says that it is not cancerous. Dr. (and we have had several opinions) advised
her to salivate, but she fears it doing injury to her constitution without being of any use to her tongue, and so far
their and our wish is not complied with for the reason before; and still it is increasing in size and not diminishing
in pain. At meal times it is worst not being able to bear anything warm, otherwise she seems in better spirits since
she has removed and as for Father, I never saw him look better and gets his health well, except a pain in his leg
troubles him at times, suppose ... of standing so . . . .
If I had an opportunity I should like to send you some newspapers, to let you see how things go on in the
political world, but I suppose ... [that?] is a subject to trouble your heads but little with. However, as it seems so
difficult for Abraham Bell to get clothes sent you, it must be nearly as difficult to get newspapers forwarded, which is of less importance. I suppose you will have heard ere this reaches you of the death of Buonaparte213. He died in
5th month, it is said of a cancer in his stomach, which it seems was the same disease his Father died of. His death
has caused but little talk here, to what it would have done 5 years before. It is reported that in consequence the
Window Tax is to be taken off in Ireland. As it cost the Nation about £300,000 in keeping him there, I wish
this may be the case but very much doubt it. King George the 4th was crowned the 19th (and we expect him to
visit Ireland next month) with most magnificent pomp: the expence is calculated at neatly as much as what it cost
yearly to keep Buonapart at St Helena. He would not allow the Queen to be crowned: it seems is a right the
Sovereing has himself in letting a Queen be crowned or not, a though she has neither been found guilty nor
acquitted of the charge brought: against her — I pity her.
Susannah Douglas enjoys but middling health and she requested I would tell thee to mention in the first letter
thou would be writing to Thos. Nicholson, that she did not receive any letter or communication from him since
paragraph in his letter to his Uncle Jonathon Hogg about her affairs, dated the 16th of 8th month 1820; altho'
by that paragraph he said to expect that in about a month from that time he would get it settled, when he would
write het the whole proceedings; & that she is at a loss to know what to do on account of Wilsons brother here,
threatening to bring an action against her for the recovery of her sisters annuity, which she has empowered him
(Thos.) to settle with het for there; and would be glad he would write her on receipt of thy letter, for if he has
written, it must have miscarried.
Uncle Saml and Aunt Deb by are well. The latter was spending a few days in Armagh the week before last and
looks well, & is perfectly satisfied and content with het match. Uncle is still a batchellor and likely to continue
so, altho' he seems to pay as much attention to Ruth as ever. Nor is any of that family married yet, no more than
myself. Susannah desires me say that M. Malcomson is not gone to England: its most likely het and her husband
will go to America. She has made a poor hand of herself. The last letter I had from J.G. Greeves was dated in 3rd
month last: he was then very well and business going on better, and Beaty and he had re-entered into partnership.
The times there is improving, which I chink may also be said of this country altho' there are many complaining.
Provisions were extremely low which made it easier on the poor- potatoes 1 to 1 [2?] p. stone of 16 lbs. & meal
2/-per score. Latterly however it has got up from these prices.
We were quite at a loss to know what the best way of sending the Twenty pounds, whether to desire A. Bell to
send it to you in hard money (hearing you would be charged the extravagant discount for turning it into cash where
you are) or sending the draft at once to you. I have chosen the latter mode, which I wish may be best and in order
that we may know best how to send the 20 from Benjamin Thompson, (if it ever begot), please mention in your
next, the best way.
By a letter lately which P Pike had from Mary McDonnell, I understand she is very poorly with no hopes of
recovery. She & Peggy and her Husband are living together in New York. I wonder how they make it off.
I would like to see thy little son and daughter, who must be fine company in so backward a place. Does thee
bring the little fellow to meeting as other friends do. I would like thee when thee writes next to let me know more
of the manner the discipline is conducted amongst you & the customs and habits of the Society generally & also
whether thou thought I would have any chance of getting one of the daughters of liberty, was I to go over there.
Aunt, John, Jane, and Father Mother, & all your relations I may say, send their love to you in which they ate
joined by
your affectionate brother