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Title: Sinton, Joseph to O'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne, 1826
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderSinton, Joseph
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationmerchant
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginPhiladelphia, Penn., USA
DestinationLake Erie, NY, USA
RecipientO'Brien (n. Greeves), Anne
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count622
Genrecorrespondence, news, family, trade
TranscriptPhila. April 21st 1826

My dear Niece
When I was here in September last I wrote to thee and left the letter for Mary Greeves to direct as one which I
took the same precaution with was received - but as I have not heard from thee since, I fear it has not been
received. I therefore again address thee to say that, even if my letter has not been received, thee might have written
as thee must know that I shall always feel a warm interest in thy welfare & all thy family (which I presume is
pretty numerous by this time).
I left home the 9th inst., have since bought an assortment of goods & attended all the sittings of the yearly
meetings which closed today, & tomorrow I start for home as I long for the quiet of my den after being so long
in the crowds and noise of this place. The family when I left home were in usual health. Phoebe has been some
time at Easton with Martha [wife of James B. Sin ton] who has lately added a daughter to her former stock.
Since I left home a steam boat has gone up the Susquehana &, by a letter from Jacob, reached W.barre the
13th inst., when they have had a general muster of the good people of the valley to see the curiosity. It will perhaps
surprise thee to hear of the death of Jacob Cist who was buried the first of last January. He had been poorly most
of the winter with a complication of diseases but not confined to bed more than a week. Sarah has administered
on the estate & the store still kept open by the Clerk & I hear she inrends to continue the business. She has often
enquired about thee of late & I have felt unpleasant at being unable to say anything about thee of late, but I hope
thee will no longer delay writing and let me know how thee is situated & how you get along in your new place.
I have nor had any letters from Ireland since I last wrote. Mary Greeves [sister of James Richardson Greeves]
says that Sarah Williamson who lives at N. Orleans was here not long since. John Nicholson lives with Abraham
Bell in N. York. He wrote a few lines after he returned from Cattaragus saying he expected to be at W.barre and would cell me all about thee, but he must have went some other road. My brother and me still in partnership and
I hope with care and economy to make a living, but there are so many larger Stores at W. Barre that we have to
sell at small profit; but our business seems to improve & after what we have gone through we can live cheap. I have
stayed at Uncle Mortons, who have also been enquiring for thee. Uncle gets very feeble. Robert [Morton] is
studying medicine. James Greeves wife is very unwell for some time past and from what I hear has seldom been
well since her marriage - so I guess she has dear bought the whistle. Well I am still on the old batchelor list &
likely to remain there. Except for being much plagued with rheumatism I enjoy good health as ever - am fatter
than when I last saw thee. I am 188 lbs which is 9 more man ever I was before, but I expect as usual I shall lose
some during the summer. But be assured that, far or lean, I shall be interested in thee & f m s welfare, and hoping
to soon hear from thee I am in haste

thy afft. Uncle Jo.