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Title: O'Brien, Joseph Sinton to O'Brien, William, 1842
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderO'Brien, Joseph Sinton
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationclerk
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginNYC, USA
DestinationCollins, Lake Erie, NY, USA
RecipientO'Brien, William
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count816
Genrehe's glad his father's in good health, weather, crops, buying new clothes, being busy, prospects
TranscriptNew York 10th 7 mo 1842

Dear Father
It is with great pleasure that I have to acknowledge the receipt of a letter addressed in thy well know[n] hand and
one that should have been answered long ere this, and would have been had I had rime. It is first day and Abram
the girls & Willy are at Bayside, James has gone out to make some calls and the servants are gone out, so I am
entirely alone and thought it would be a good time to write. The letters that thee sent for me to forward to Ireland
were on the ship and on their way in three hours after I received them.
I was surprised to find thy letter dated at Farmington and wonder how Mother has made thee go to yearly
meeting, but I hope that thy journey has been of use to thee and I think it would be, by leaving hard work awhile
Thee does not say whether thee was well when writing. You are getting along much better than I thought you
would this spring, and I am glad that Thomas is so strong and I think that he will be as strong as ever if he does
not have to work too hard. We have had nearly the same kind of weather that you have had except for frost, which
must have been a great disappointment to thee who is so fond of having early cucumbers, potatoes and beans I
think that the corn and potatoes will yet come forward and hope that the fall will prove favorable for ripening them
The farmers here are in the midst of haying and several are harvesting their wheat. Thomas [Christy Bell]
commenced a field of about 20 acres last 5th day - 8* inst., which looked very fine. We have all kinds of this years
productions in the market. I saw ripe apples in the market three weeks ago. Strawberries are out of fashion and
raspberries have taken their place - these and plenty of cucumbers, watermelons, squashes, cabbage, onions and
Peas &c I suppose that there are very few people have begun their haying yet in Collins - in fact I done remember what time we used to be beginning, nor could I even guess what you are doing now. I was quite surprised to see
the people haying when going out to Bayside a week ago yesterday, when I spent 1st and 2nd day, it being 4th of
July and no business doing in the city.
In the last letter I wrote to Maria, was written before I received thine and Thomas': I sent it by John Wright who
was going to Farmington to yearly meeting. He told me just before leaving that he intended to find a home at the
west and buy a farm. Since writing to Maria I have got a new vest and pantaloons of light stuff for summer and when
I asked James what kind of a coat to get, he advised me to get a good one at once and one that would answer for
winter; so he got the cloth for one, and the coat when done cost $16 and I had to pay for a pair of boots $6 and a
pair of half soles on them $1.50 for mending those I had of A. Varney which did not pay. Last week James got me
a hat that cost $4.50 and some other small things that were necessary, so that I have had $32 in all from him.

7mo 12th:
I have laid out no more money than necessary. Indeed I find it very different being here than at home: there are
thousands things that I now have to attend to now that I never knew anything about when I was at home, I asked
Abm for some money to send home and he said he would see about it in a day or so. I do not know whether he
intends to let me have it or not. If he does, I will write again in a few days, so answer this as soon as you get it and
I will receive your answer as soon as it is mailed almost.

7th mo 14th.
Abram does not appear anxious to have me stay, altho' James does. I do not know what the reason is, unless he
feels that he should pay me something when there are plenty of good clerks offering to work for nothing for a year
for the sake of a situation. I wish that I had not asked him for the money yet awhile, and will say no more about
it if he does not. Answer this immediately and advise me what to do. I hope that all will he well in a day or two.
With love to all I remain

thy affectionate son