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Title: O'Brien, Margaretta to O'Brien, Joseph Sinton, 1843
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderO'Brien, Margaretta
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginCollins, Lake Erie, NY, USA
DestinationNYC, USA
RecipientO'Brien, Joseph Sinton
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count456
Genrecattle, news of family and friends
TranscriptCollins 4*29* 1843
My Dear Brother
I duly recevd thy very acceptable letter of 4 mo 3rd which had been long looked for. We are all glad to see spring again – we have had such a long winter and a great many cattle have died; some froze and some starved to
death. We heard that one man lost 84 head of cattle although he had plenty of hay. When Father wrote to thee
last he did not know half how hard rimes were, on account of the snow being so deep that he could not get about
People could not get about to do their business accept as they went over drifts as high as the fence, and I should
like to see thee turning out on one of them. I think thee would not like to turn out more than once at any rate
Thomas intends to stay in Pontiac till haying unless Father calls on him, accept when he comes home on a visit
wn.ch is not very often as they have a great deal of work to do. Aunt Lydia Southwick has been here this winter
but she only spent the afternoon with us: she was very smart for her but she could not walk across the house alone.
She fell out of their north door this fall when she was going out and hurt her self very badly; but it was after that
she was up to our house. George and Mary Anne are at his Fathers old house and has been their for a year; and I
think that they will stay this summer. Eunice Herrick is maried to Lewis Wood[w]ard, a son of Joseph W. they family has lived in Buffalo. As for Lydia Anne, we hear less than ever about her: she went to school a little last winter as we had a very good one. We heard a few days ago that she was going to stay at home this summer and spin and like enough to learn to do house work, as I should think that it was time. Christiana
Mac[Millen] and her three younger sisters has all taken schools for the summer: two of them are to teach in
Hamburgh and they other two in Collins. Christiana has been her[e] most part of a week making a twine bag.
She told me that I must be shure and tell thee to send her a good news paper and direct it to Hamburgh We were
all much pleased with thy discription of the Croton water works. I have not been visiting much this winter accept
at Pontiac Mother says to tell Joseph that I take Maria's place in doing house work. I remain

thy affectionate sister