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Title: Owden (n.Greeves), Jane to O'Brien (n. Kelley), Prudence, 1853
CollectionThe Transatlantic Letters of an Irish Quaker Family_1818-1877 [B. Jackson]
SenderOwden (n.Greeves), Jane
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationhousewife
Sender ReligionQuaker
OriginBrooklands, near Lisburn, N. Ireland
DestinationCollins, Lake Erie, NY, USA
RecipientO'Brien (n. Kelley), Prudence
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count505
Genrecommentary on grief re Daniel and Anson's decease
TranscriptBrooklands 3 mo 17th 1853

My dear niece Prudentia O'Brien
It was with feelings of deep sorrow and sympathy I perused thy letter giving an account of the severe trials which
my dear Sister and her family have experienced since the commencement of the year, trials which must indeed have
been very hard to bear. But I trust they have been lightened by the assurance that those who have been taken,
have entered into their true rest, purchased by the precious Blood of our Divine Redeemer, in which if we have
an interest we have nothing to fear. It must have been doubly trying to my dear Sister that she was not able to do
any thing for those who were so dear to her during their illness, owing to her own weakness. I had known she was
delicate but had no idea she was so ill as to be unfit to give any assistance in case of illness in her family, where her
wishes and sympathies were so much interested. I trust her son William whom thou spoke of as being then very ill in the complaint is now in a fair way of recovering & that she will be spared the additional pang of parting with
him'73. If it had been so allowed that they had been at their own home, you would have been spared the additional
anxiety of having co care for Maria's husband & children; but we are poor weak mortals and do not know what is
best for us, so we must endeavour to hope that all was ordered for the best, although it seems a most trying
dispensation. It must indeed be a great consolation to the survivors that the dear departed ones were so much
respected & esteemed and that they fulfilled all the duties of their station and as members of the religious Society
to which they belonged & also as citizens of your great Republic; & I hope that although they are dead that their
actions and examples will yet speak for years to come-they came of an Honest Stock of people & I am rejoiced
to find they never disgraced themselves or those from whom they sprung.
My Sister Susanna is now in Dublin at present with our niece Mary Jane Eves, to whom I have forwarded thy
letter. She will [be] deeply Sympathetic in your affliction. She & thy mother-in-law & myself are all that remain
out of a family of 11 children who were born to my parents. I wrote to my sister on the receipt of the newspaper
containing the account of dear Anson's death, which I expect she has received long ere this. I hope them wilt write
to me soon again to let me know how my dear sister and also the rest are — to whom thou wilt please give my dear
love and accept the same from

thy sincere friend and aunt
Jane Owden

I have written twice to my sister since I had a letter from her.