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Title: John Anderson, Cincinnati to Joseph Anderson, [Ballymaguire?].
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileAnderson, John/28
SenderAnderson, John
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationfarmer
Sender Religionunknown
OriginCincinnati, USA
DestinationN. Ireland
RecipientAnderson, Joseph
Recipient Gendermale
SourceT 1664/1/6: Copied by Permission of J. G. T. Anderson, Lurgan, Co. Armagh.
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, Northern Ireland.
Doc. No.8903067
Partial Date
Doc. TypeEMG
LogDocument added by JM 15:11:1993.
Word Count542
TranscriptMr. Joseph Anderson
Coagh Post Office
County Tyrone
Cincinnatti [Cincinnati?] May 2nd 1848
Dear Brother
I received your kind epistle
of February 10th upon April 10th it gave me pleasure
to hear you were all in the enjoyment of good
heath [health?], although it brought the sad tidings of
Brothers death which i had previously heard,
this will inform you that the Lord has been
pleased to take my Dear wife from my side,
to that land of pure delight at his right hand,
January 18th she was confused, She was very sick
& the babe was still born [stillborn?], she got along well
for a few weeks and the Doctor thought she
would be as well as before but when she got
about she was very weak and did not gain
strength & i called in the Doctor again and he said
that she was in Consumption and he done every
thing [everything?] in his power to stop the disease but he was
unable and she sunk very fast, & upon sunday
the 30th of April she departed this life at 11 o'clock All
I hope that my loss was her gain, for the scriptures
tell us that blessed are the dead that die in the
Lord, for the [they?] doe [do?] rest from their labour & their
works doe [do?] follow them, it is a severe los [loss?] but the
Lord gave & the Lord taketh away blessed be the name
of the Lord, Brother George & family is well at
present they were in to the funeral which was upon
the 1st of May
Wm [William?] John Watters was hear [here?] about the 1st
of April they were all well they had an increase
to their family of another boy,
he says John Tkells is got very fleshy this country
agres [agrees?] with him, their [there?] is not mutch [much?] difference
on Wm [William?] John onily [only?] his hair is very gray [grey?] I had
a letter from him since his return the [they?] enjoy good
health the [they?] received Ellens letter, all our friends at
Pitsburg [Pittsburgh?] is well, Their [there?] is great accounts in the
Newspapers of a revolution in Ireland let me
know if their [there?] is mitch [much?] stir or excitement in
your neigh bour hood [neighbourhood?] also let me know how
the times has affected you i think you may
be glad you did not get John McReynolds
place as i understand Land is a great deal cheaper
as their [there?] is so many leaveing [leaving?] the [they?] say it is
hardly half as high in value, let me know how the

Thenerys of Brigh is also John of Thilson also what
sort of a minister you have in the Brigh and
how the poorer clas [class?] gets along, times is very
good in this city and it is improving very fast
I have nothing of importence [importance?] to communicate
Write as soon as possible and let me know
how Mother enjoys her health as also Elleden
and your self [yourself?] & also sixmilecross friends
remember me to all my friends & acquaintances
and beleive [believe?] me your affectionate Brother
John Anderson

P.S. Wm [William?] Miller Robt [Robert?] McCullough John --eck [Fleck?]
& John McMurrey is well Alex Johnston
is very low in Consumption of A