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Title: O'Donnell, Annie to Phelan, James, 1904
CollectionYour Fondest Annie: Letters from Annie O'Donnel to James P.Phelan [A. O'Donnell]
SenderO'Donnell, Annie
Sender Genderfemale
Sender Occupationchildren's maid
Sender Religionunknown
OriginPittsburgh, Penn., USA
DestinationIndianapolis, Indiana, USA
RecipientPhelan, James
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count329
Genrenews, family
TranscriptTuesday morning
[No return address. Postmarked June 7, 1904]

My dear Jim,
I got your letter a few minutes ago and what a relief it was to know
you are still living. You will never know the agony I suffered since
last Saturday evening when your uncle called me up and asked
where Jim was. I thought he was joking and passed it off, but when
you didn't meet me on Saturday night at church I became anxious
and went to see your aunt on Sunday evening. She was sure you
met with an accident and oh! how I dreaded the thoughts of of it.
We talked of you all the time, and I am afraid you will get a
scolding when you come back, but don't you get angry as you know
it was a wrong thing for you to go away and not let anyone know
where you were going. I am not mad with you, Jim. I am too glad to
hear from you and forgive easily and will be more anxious than ever
to see you. Well might you picture me with a wet handkerchief, yes, and more than one, but I will tell you all when I see you, and Jim, do
hurry up and come as soon as you can. Don't ever run away with
the idea that I like you better far away. You know that is not so.
Well now that's about all I will say. You will get no more scolding
from me, for I will be too glad to see you. Do hurry up and come. I
will stay in every night this week so you can come right out here and
I will not take as long to come down stairs as the night I was
washing my hair. Telephone me as soon as you come here. Give my
love to Pollie and all and lots of it for yourself. I am
As ever,
Your old Annie xxxx