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Title: Coogan, Michael (Brother Declan) to Coogan (n. Nolan), Catherine, 1871
CollectionCarlow-Coogan Letters
SenderCoogan, Michael (Brother Declan)
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationmonk/shoemaker
Sender Religionunknown
OriginMt. Melleray, Cappoquin, Co. Waterford
DestinationHarlem, NYC, USA
RecipientCoogan (n. Nolan), Catherine
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count897
Genrehis mother's recovery, religious commentary, sending presents, prayer
TranscriptMount Melleray
Oct. 10th, 1871

My very dear and loving Mother,

As nothing glorifies God so much as joy, I feel bound at present to return thanks to his Divine Majesty for having given me an opportunity of giving him a little more glory (to whom all glory is due) on account of the beautiful news conveyed to me of your recovery, which has filled my heart with joy beyond what words can say. It's a wonderful blessing the Almighty has bestowed on you in leaving you so long with those who yet need your counsel and in giving you an opportunity of sanctifying your soul and preparing for the home he has prepared for you in his own eternal kingdom where sin, nor death, nor sorrow, nor mourning shall be no more. But eternal rest and sweet peace with the Angels and the blessed forever. In heaven there are many degrees of glory. Happy we if we can attain the last. The longest-lived Spirit in the most austere penance and careful preparation would not be sufficient to prepare for the least degree of glory which God bestows on his elect.

But let us not be discouraged. God does not require impossibilities. It would be heresy to say he does. All he requires is that we do our best to love and serve him, and if we do he will never condemn us. It's not necessary I'm sure to say a word to you on this subject my dear Mother, for I expect and hope that you're always making a preparation for your last hour. Your days in this world cannot be many now. But be very devout to the Blessed Virgin and ask her to obtain for you the gift of final perseverance and the grace of a happy death, and she will never forsake you until she brings you to herself. I have the honour and sublime privilege of being her Servant and Slave by a special act of consecration which I made to her on the feast of the Assumption last; that kindest of all Mothers never fails to assist me. Anyone who wishes to save his soul must be devout to the Blessed Virgin. I hope, my Dear Mother, you won't be fretting on account of how the family will go on after your death. They all know their duty or at least they ought to know it, and with God's help they will not fade away. Without Prayer and the Sacraments and avoiding evil no one can obtain nor preserve the grace of God and without that grace noone can be saved, and I hope they will make use of the means I have mentioned for obtaining and preserving that most inestimable treasure, and if they do they will certainly be saved. Mary Meaney is yet under your care. Don't neglect your duty towards her in any way you possibly can. I had the happiness of seeing Thomas McDonald here in September last. I was speaking to him and he told me all about the whole of you. I was delighted with the description he gave me of you all and your circumstances. He is very good natured and kind and was very happy to see me. I sent you some little presents by him. Some scapulars and medals and some printed prayers and a small little book. You can distribute them as you wish. I think I told him one of the medals was for Mrs. Doyle. I sent her a beads also. If you wish I would like you to give one scapular to Patt's eldest daughter. But those who were not previously involved will require to be enrolled and the scapulars put on by a priest. They are all blest at present. You can give one to Mary Meaney if you wish and I recommend you to do so. The money which William sent came safely, 1 lb. Two Masses were required and the remainder as a donation. But I'm happy to say that the Superior in the abundance of his Charity and in gratitude for the disinterested kindness of the donor has condescended to celebrate high Masses.

It is indeed a great compliment as the usual offering given by the faithful for each high Mass being one pound. They were all recommended most kindly to the prayers of the Community and the family will have a share forever in the prayers of the Community by being inserted on our books. I hope My Dear Mother that William won't be neglected in any way. It would not be just that he should. But his brothers are too kind, I am sure, to neglect him. I'm stout myself at present thank God.

I fear I have annoyed you by too long a letter but expecting you to pray that the Lord may bless me and hoping that these few lines may meet with your maternal approbation, I'll conclude by bidding you a kind and loving and respectful farewell.

Pray for me my Dear Mother as I pray for you. The happy day will soon come when we shall meet again in the Blessed never more to part again.

May the Father of Mercy and the God of all Consolation be with you and with you all.

I am as ever your loving and respectful but most unworthy son,

Michael &tc.