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Title: Seymour, William to Seymour, Edward, 1881
CollectionNew Brunswick Letters
SenderSeymour, William
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationpoliceman
Sender Religionunknown
OriginCo. Mayo, Ireland
DestinationSt. John, N.Brunswick, Canada
RecipientSeymour, Edward
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count386
Genresocial unrest, parents won't let him emigrate, weather, greetings
TranscriptR.I.C. Cong
Co Mayo.
26th Janry 81

My Dear Uncle

You Must indeed consider me very dilatory for not answering your kind & welcome
letter ere this. You may feel assured that I would have done so only I have been knocked about
a great deal this time past. on account of the disturbed state of this Country which I must say is
nearly gone beyond cure, The poor foolish people are being led astray so much by a lot of Idle
fellows who are only doing this thing (not to do any good for the poor people) but as the saying
is to feather their own wings. I have got a long change since I wrote to you before. I am now in
the Co Mayo just about the worst part of Ireland & have a great deal to do but please God I will
get over it all. The People don’t very often mind the Police as they are too much afraid of us,


Dear Uncle

I have done My best to get Father & Mother’s consent to go out to America but all
to no purpose as dear Mother is in very delicate health and she says it would kill her if I went
away. so under these circumstances I must for the present put the idea out of my head. The
weather here is very cold at present we have frost & snow for the past 3 weeks and its likely to
continue for some time longer; Need I say my dear Uncle how delighted I was to learn by the
contents of your letter that you and all were enjoying the choice blessing of health, May Him
who is the giver of all goodness keep you and yours always so As regards all Friends in this
Country they were all in very good health when last I heard from them. I enclose a few lines for
dear Aunt & Miss Breen as she was so kind as to write to me –
Goodbye, my dear Uncle for this time & I expect to have a long letter from you ere long.
Fond Love to all Friends. From your most loving & affectionate

Wm Seymour
{On First Page}

P.S. dear Uncle my address is written on the back of Aunts letter.