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Title: Seymour, William to Seymour, Edward, 1881
CollectionNew Brunswick Letters
SenderSeymour, William
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationpoliceman
Sender Religionunknown
OriginCo. Mayo, Ireland
DestinationSt. John, N.Brunswick, Canada
RecipientSeymour, Edward
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count513
Genrephotographs, family, social unrest, politics, religious commentary
TranscriptR.I.C. Cong
Co Mayo
4, 3, 81 –

My Dear Uncle

Your most ever welcome letter to hand in due course, need I say how delighted I was to
learn that you and all Friends were there enjoying good health, as the departure of this leaves
me first class thank God. I am so glad dear Uncle to get Cousin James & Lydias Photos, they are
indeed very nice, and I am so happy to have them. James is a fine looking fellow, as regards
Cousin Lydia I will try and tell Herself in a little note I am sending what I think of Her. When last
I heard from home they were all in very good health thank God. My Brother intends going out
to new Zealand I understand. He is married and has three children but I think it will be difficult
for Him to bring them as they are very young. He has always been a very wild fellow and if the
steps he is about taking now is a wise one time alone can tell. Now dear Uncle I know you will
be anxious to learn something about the state of this Country and I am sorry to have to tell you
that instead of any improvement, its every day getting worse. Matters are indeed looking very
alarming Murders and every description of outrages committed every day in our Midst, and the
worst of it is that we can’t get any information whatever relative to the perpetrators. Our
Government has passed a Coercion Bill & in the course of a few days a large number of Land
Leaguers are likely to be arrested so that will cause us some trouble picking them up. If things
don’t change or if this Bill will not suffice to stop the current of events in this unhappy land we
surely will have open Rebellion. So you see my dear Uncle the state of excitement we are kept
in. However my dear Uncle of one thing I am convinced. – That our Heavenly Father who with
his ever watchful eye see’s our every action, will order all things for the best. Men may kill the
Body but cannot kill the soul. Our Heavenly Father will take care of that for my dear Uncle has
He not promised to be with us always, and to love us with such a love that we cannot ever
realize its Height Depth Length or Breath; Happy thought,-- but my dear Uncle how little we
deserve such love poor sinful creatures that we are. May God give us heart pure & Holy so that
we may more & more love Him as we ought, and may we all my dear Uncle meet in that happy
land where alone true Joys are to be found, - I enclose a few lines for dear Aunt & Cousin Lydia
– give my best love to my Cousins & all Friends dear Uncle and may God bless you all is the
Fervent Prayer of your Most loving & affect Nephew
Write soon dear Uncle

Wm Seymour