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Title: Ross, Richard to Morell, Hugh, 1840
CollectionNew Brunswick Letters
SenderRoss, Richard
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationunknown
Sender Religionunknown
DestinationMiramichi, N.Brunswick, Canada
RecipientMorell, Hugh
Recipient Gendermale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count527
Genrereprimand for not sending financial help
TranscriptDrumCrain Cottage,
3 Novb, 1840

My Dear Mr Morelle,

I have lately been seeing my Dear, (and now only remaining Aunt,) and yr Family, which
but for My Dear Aunt, asked the means, in the hands of Providence, would, in all human
calculation, have been scattered and destroyed, perhaps, even for eternity --- I know, all we can do, & you know, is but a means – And but for her, we do not know any other means likely to have saved. yr Poor Dear Wife and My Dr Aunt was ruined by yr Sudden go off – I don’t Say this improperly to [harrow] up yr Soul; but to bring to yr mind, as I would wish, if myself, to be done by another (if my heart deceive me not,) a painting of the awful consequences of Sin – consequences, nothing calculated upon, at 1st by us poor poor mortals – Yr Family, let me add, under the auspices of my late Poor Dear Brother, Colnl Ross, and under the discreet care, of My Dr Aunt Jane, have, of late weathered
Weathered the storm, & gotten, in a measure, out of pinching [unclear] – Still, however, (of
very late), by the great impropriety of one of yr Sons the [Family] have once more been put to it – And, now arrived at the years of discretion, Some of them, (& among others, Sophia yr
favourite) naturally & properly wishing to chase thr lives by marriage; and in so doing, to form connections – Such as would neither reflect disgrace on you, or on themselves – In order thereunto, & that reparatn (as far as possible may be done by us to them) – it will, My Dr [Uncle] be of 1st rate importance, that from time to time you may be pleased to remit a [unclear] for the use & behoof of the female [branches] in the way of fortune, and to Sophia in special; as at present being likely to enter upon the married relatn – My [Dr] [Mr] Morelle you have often promised to do much in this way, to forwd the interest of those who you shd hold most Dear – but, alas have these promises been fullfilled? And the fall of the [unclear] lease & Richds unhappy conduct, have once more embarrassed the – [unclear] in God, you’ll now do Something for the – But, I beg pardon, for so pressing upon you! [It] will I know, be of no effect unless a Sense of duty operate – and conscious itself “the candle of the lord” operate influence. But, let us admonish one another – As the, you regd the welfare of yr Family for time and eternity – As you’d respect the [stain damage] of one once highly [approved] [stain damage] you – let me entreat & beseech you My Dear Old Friend to now come forward in displays of [natl] affection & Show yr self to be a man & a Christian – I am joined in love by [tear] but especially by yr own immediate [family] who I lately Saw [there],
Yr Ever Devoted Friend,

Richd Ross

Mr Hugh Morelle,
Mr Hugh Morelle
Post Master
Ship Letter Newcastle
Answered on Ma Miramichi
in March 1842 British America