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Title: John Clarke, [Ireland?], to "Dear Edward", [U.S.A.?].
CollectionIrish Emigration Database
FileClarke, John/24
SenderClarke, John
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationfarmer (tenant)
Sender Religionunknown
OriginCo. Fermanagh, N.Ireland
RecipientClarke, Edward
Recipient Gendermale
SourceT 3661/2A: Deposited by D.R. English
ArchiveThe Public Record Office, Northern Ireland
Doc. No.9507151
Partial Date
Doc. TypeLET
LogDocument added by LT, 24:07:1995.
Word Count1216
TranscriptTo: Edward [Clarke?], [U.S.A.?]

From: John Clarke, Stone Parke [Stonepark?], [County

Stone Parke [Stonepark?] May the forth [fourth?] / 69 [1869?]

Dear Edward.
I recivd [received?] your Letor [Letter?] of the
18 of april whitch [which?] gave us the grates [greatest?]
pleasre [pleasure?] in the wourld [world?] to seee [see?] one
Scrawl of your pen And to hear of you to Be in good helth [health?]
as we are all in at present thankes [thanks?] Be to god for
all his mersy [mercy?] to us all Dear Brother I Cant not [cannot?]
Express the goy [joy?] that I felt at hearing from yous
[you?] to Be still alive and in good helth [health?] I had aletor
[a letter?] from Brother hugh Dated Febuary [February?] th
20 [the 20th?] whitch [which?] gave me grat [great?] pleasure
to hear of him and his family to Be so well of [off?] thankes
[thanks?] be to god I wrote to him about three wees [weeks?] a
gow [ago?] and I would have wrote soone [sooner?] But I was mutch
[much?] put about By the Landlord he servd [served?] me with
Ejectment [pross?] for the nunpayment [non payment?] of wrent
[rent?] whitch [which?] has put us about very mutch [much?]
we are fare [fair?] But [bit?] Down all By the Loss of Crop
this twenty 22 years the potato Crop faild [failed?] that time
and So Continus [Continues?] Still the crop was not so Bad this
Last year as it was other years we ware [were?] Some years
that we had not a bit of our own grown at november Day so it was
sore times with us and hard to mett [meet?] the Demands But
it is fare [far?] away what god send we are Still in hopes that
we will get overall with the help of god. I hope the plage
[plague?] is near over in this Contry [Country?] we are still in
good hopes that it will soo [soon?] quit hear [here?]

Dear Brother you say that you are in quest
of a Legasy [Legacy?] and you want me to give you som [some?]
aCount [Account?] of I mind nothing about the Letor [Letter?]
that you say that petor [Peter?] sent home about Brother Patt
[Pat?] when he went away from him only that he went on Bord
[Board?] of Amanaware [unaware?] that all I know of him Brother
hugh should no [know?] more about the afare [affair?] than me
as he seen petor [Peter?] when he went to that Contry [Country?]
I never hard [heard?] any thing more about him. Dear Brother I
had no word from yous [you?] this thirty years untill [until?]
november Last that I got a Letor [Letter?] from hugh I thought
that yous [you?] was all Ded [Dead?] this Long time But
I hope that yous [you?] will not for git [forget?] to wrigt
[write?] to me very often as it is the gratest [greatest?]
pleasure to me in the wourld [world?] too [to?] hear from yous [you?]
I had a Letor [Letter?] from my sun [son?] Patt and Daughter an
[Anne?] the [they?] are in new Yorke [york?] the [they?] sent
me some money Patt [Pat?] is a good Sun [Son?] to me if it
was not for him we could not stand the plase [place?] this Long
time he went to glasgow about seven years agow [ago?] and he
sent us more than twent [twenty?] pounds and he sent eight pounds
from new yorke [york?] and Paid Ans [Annes?] passage to that Contry
[Country?] and Bought a new Dress fror [for?] her up to the first
stile [style?] of the Contry [Country?] she said that she was not
Like a green horn any more

Dear Edward we have a fine family of Children the [they?] are
well inclind [inclined?] to worke [work?] well the [they?] are
very obedient to us thankes [thanks?]Be to god there [their?]
names I will give to you Patt [Pat?] James francis and Luke and
John Elisa an [Anne?] and Ellen and Cate [Kate?] Elisa is a
fin [fine?] Clever young woman and
and [sic] James and francis and Luke is three
smart young men man [sic] able the [they?] ware [were?]
very glad to hear from yous [you?] all the [they?] would
wish that you ware [were?] hear [here?] now as the [they?] would
try to Learn the trade youre [your?] forge is in good
repair still and it puts me still in mind
of you you [sic] wish to hear about all of your
friends I Said a good Dail [Deal?] about them in the
Letor [Letter?] that I sent to Brother hugh a few weeks
agow [ago?] Brother [terns?] Daughter mary and her
family is all in new yorke [York?] this fore [four?] years
The [They?] had three Boys and fore [four?] girls the [they?]
are all marrid [married?] there Uncle Jacke [Jack?] suns [sons?]
Bernard Lives in the County Cavan John and Petor [Peter?]
Lives on ther [their?] fathers plase [place?] James Lives in
Cornahold [Cornahoe?] and francis in new yorke [york?]
Ellen and An [Anne?] is maried [married?] the the [sic] wrest
[rest?] is all Ded [Dead?] unkel [uncle?] Patt [Pat?] his sun
[son?] John Lives in his fathers plase [place?] and he is a
Schoolmaster the sisters is all marrid [married?] in the
naborhood [neighbourhood?] Pady roas [Pady Rose?] has three
suns [sons?] one at home the others is in the Constabulary
this Long time James Maguire and family is in new yorke
[york?] the [they?] are Dooing [Doing?] well there I hear
thomas mortimore is still alive But in Bad helth [health?]
his sun [son?] Patt [Pat?] is in Boston francis Lives in
Belturbot and Joseph Lives in Dublin the prostant [protestant?]
Clergy of irland [ireland?] is going go Be Disendoud
[disendowed?] the [they?] must Live
on the support of there [their?] own heroes [heroes?] from the
year sevent [seventy?] one there is a grate [great?] Dail
[Deal?] of noos [news?] about it in the news papers the
Bill is past [passed?] about it
I will send yous a news paper in short that will
Let yous [you?] now [know?] all about it Dear Brother the
Chief Support of the paple [people?] in this Contry [Country?]
this this [sic] Long time was Enien mail [Indian meal?] and it was
hard to be got sometimes if it was not for it the
paple [people?] would Be Lost with want of food har [here?]
Dear Brother I fear that is a will goos Chace [wild goose
chase?] that you are Lookeing [Looking?] aftere [after?] But
yo[you?] now [know?] Best your self as it is a thing that
is hard to Be got But if a man Dont seeke [seek?] he will
not find I wish that you may win the
pris [prize?] I wis [wish?] you to write to me as soon as you
get this Letor [Letter?] and Let me Know all about Brother
and his family wright [write?] a Long Letor [Letter?] and tell
hugh to Doo [Do?] the same Brother Luke wrote
to hug [hugh?] a few Days agow [ago?] Excuse my wrusty [rusty?]
pen and Bad Spelling So no more at present
We all goine [join?] in sending our Love and Blesing [Blessing?]
to yous [you?] all we still remember yous [you?] in our
prayers God Bless yous [you?] all Some more But
remains your Loveing [Loving?] Brothers

John Clarke Stone Parke [Stonepark?]