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Title: McCarthy, James to his grandmother, 1876
CollectionNew Brunswick Letters
SenderMcCarthy, James
Sender Gendermale
Sender Occupationworks in the woods
Sender Religionunknown
OriginMenominee, Michigan, USA
Recipienthis grandmother
Recipient Genderfemale
Doc. No.
Partial Date
Doc. Type
Word Count308
Genreworking i nthe woods, homesickness, family
December 31st

Dear Granmother it is with pleasure I sit down to let you know that I am well and hope
these few lines will find you the same it is a long time since I have written to you before I have
got so lonesome up here away from town that I thought I would let you know how I am and
want you to rite to me and let me know how you all are down there I have not been home for
about three months I am working in the woods
I would like to go down there next summer if I could, I would like to see you all again.
times are pretty hard here now I expect to be up here about 3 months more yet well grandmother there is [now] news up here I wish I was in town I would write you a long letter Father and all the rest of the family were well the last I heard from them I have had a very dull christmas up ere in the woods we will have new year tomorrow I will have to work I suppose
You must tell Pat and Edward to rite to me and let me know how they are getting along
and John must write I suppose Pat has quite a family now I suppose James is not to home as
usual I guess.
Brother John is to work in a blacksmithes shop he is going to learn the trade I think well I
have now more to write at present only that I would like to see you all again in old Bartibogue
No more at present but my best respects to all of you and to any friends of mine you see
Happy New Year to you all
write Soon

James McCarty